27 | Shade

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Lila walked down the stairs in her pyjamas. It was the first night she'd slept properly, and it was the first night she'd been back home in LA.

She wore a baggy white T-shirt, a pair of grey jogging bottoms and fluffy socks, her long hair knotted and hanging around her and she pushed it behind her ears , rubbing her eyes to try and clear her vision

She yawned as she walked into the kitchen door. Though the kitchen door was softer than it should have been. She moved her hands and blinked and found it wasn't the kitchen door but Kit, who looked at her with an expression she couldn't really understand.

She pushed past him lightly with a small "Excuse me"  and grabbed a packet of crisps off the table just like Ty, who also handed a packet to Kit.

"You don't need those!" Helen said brightly. Lila frowned at her older sister. "I'm making oatmeal."

"I don't like oatmeal," Lila told Helen, though she didn't seem to be listening.

"Oh," Said Kit.

"I want pancakes," announced Tavvy.

"We're not staying for breakfast. Kit, Lila and I are going to the beach," Ty announced.

"I'm not even dressed properly," Lila said.

"We'll see you later." Ty then walked out of the room with Kit following. They closed the door behind them.

Lila followed after with a frown on her face.

"We'll wait outside for you," Ty told her. "Don't be long."

She sighed and headed upstairs to where her bag was, changed into a pair of black leggings she'd bought in London and a baggy grey T-shirt, pulling on a navy-blue denim jacket and rolling the sleeves up. She pulled on her sneakers and hastily brushed her hair and teeth before meeting up with the boys outside.

They walked quietly to the beach, but Kit was the first to break the silence between them. "Where are we going?" He asked. Lila shrugged her shoulders.

"Do you guys remember the cave we saw Zara and Manuel talking in?" Ty replied.

"Yeah," Kit said. "Why are we going there?"

"Because we need help to do necromancy."

Lila choked on a crisp and Kit hit her lightly on the back. "Wait—we're actually doing that?"

"We can't do it on our own," Ty finished.

"Please tell me we don't need help from an army of the dead," Kit grimaced. "I hate armies of the dead."

"Nothing dead. Just Hypatia Vex."

"Hypatia Vex? The warlock from London?" Kit asked.

"Well how many other Hypatia Vex's do we know?" Lila said moodily. Kit ignored her. She'd been moody since they got back from the funeral, though it wasn't surprising.

"Yes, the one from London—keep up Watson," Said Ty.

"That's not a 'keep up'. How would I know you contacted her? I thought she didn't like us."

"Does it matter?" Ty said.

"You make a good point." Kit stopped then, though Lila continued walking. "Here we are." He looked at Ty. "Should we tell her to wait?"

New WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora