13 | Shadow Market Pt.2

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"And the Shadowhunters? Barnabas sent them, too?" Hypatia said in a mocking tone.

"He needs me to consult a warlock regarding a peculiar magical object," said Kit. "They have it in their possession."

"Very well, then. If Barnabas sent you to consult a warlock, which warlock was it?" Hypatia had a gleam in her eyes.

"It was me." A deep voice spoke from the shadows.

Lila jumped in shock and turned to see a figure standing in front of a dark green tent. It had been a male voice, but otherwise the figure was too covered—a swallowing robe, cloak, hood, and gloves. "I'll take this, Hypatia."

Hypatia blinked. It was like the stars vanishing and then reappearing from behind a cloud. "If you insist."

She made as if to turn and walk away, but paused and looked back over her shoulder at Livvy, Lila and Ty. "If you pity those creatures, those faeries, dying inside their cages," she said, "think of this: If it were not for the Cold Peace your people insisted on, they would not be here. Look to the blood on your own hands, Shadowhunters."

She disappeared between two tents. Ty's expression was full of distress. "But my hands—"

"It's an expression." Livvy put her arm around her twin, hugging him tightly to her side. "It's not your fault, Ty, she's just being cruel." Lila held Ty's hand tightly, looking to her shoes, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

The figure who'd essentially helped them said to follow after before wandering off. Lila looked between the group. Could they trust this person? Shadowhunters weren't welcome at the Shadow Market, and it was a mistake agreeing with Kit to go there, and this person had appeared out of nowhere. But Kit didn't seem hesitant to follow the person, turning and gesturing for the triplets to follow as well.

So Lila went first and followed after Kit, Ty and a Livvy following behind.

Inside the tent was clean and plain, a wooden floor, a simple bed, and shelves filled with books, maps, bottles of powder, candles in different colors, and jars of alarming-colored liquids. Ty exhaled, leaning back against one of the tent poles. Relief was printed clearly on his face as he basked in the relative calm and quiet. Livvy was there beside Ty, brushing the sweat-damp hair off her brother's forehead. Ty nodded, said something to her Kit couldn't hear. Lila stood with Kit. She looked around as Kit glanced at her; he noticed she'd gotten colour back in her cheeks.

"Sit down with me," the warlock said.

He gestured. In the centre of the room was a small table surrounded by chairs. The Shadowhunters sat down.

The hooded warlock settled opposite them. In the flickering light inside the tent, Kit could glimpse the edge of a mask beneath the hood, obscuring the warlock's face.

"You may call me Shade," he said. "It's not my last name, but it will do."

"Why did you lie for us?" Livvy said. "Out there. You don't have any agreement with Barnabas Hale?"

"Oh, I have a few," said Shade. "Not regarding you, to be fair, but I do know the man. And I'm curious that you do. Not many Shadowhunters are even aware of his name."

"I'm not a Shadowhunter," said Kit. He could see Lila frown out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh, you are," said Shade. "You're that new Herondale, to be exact."

Livvy's voice was sharp. "How do you know that? Tell us now."

"Because of your face," he said, to Kit. "Your pretty, pretty face. You're not the first Herondale I've met, not even the first with those eyes, like distilled twilight. I don't know why you only have one Mark, but I can certainly make a guess." He templed his hands under his chin. Lila thought she saw a glimpse of green skin at his wrist, just below the edge of his glove. "I have to say I never thought I'd have the pleasure of entertaining the Lost Herondale."

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