Chapter 6: It's a Date

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I hope all of you awesome people had a great weekend! I'm stoked to bring you another chapter! I swear this story makes me feel like a kid in a candy store. But I love it! Enjoy ;)

Chapter 6: It’s a Date

“Iris! Pay attention!”

I shook my head and looked up at Alanna.

“You almost burned the cookies!” she squealed. “Sorry,” I mumbled while she removed the pans of cookies from the oven. After removing the cookies from the pans and placing them on a cooling rack, she turned to me.

“Iris, what’s wrong? I know something is bugging you because you’re always calm after you have class.”  

I sighed. Of course Alanna knew something was wrong. She always knew when people had something on their mind. She was like a freaking people whisperer or something.

“Come on, sis, spit it out so I can work my magic,” she urged. Well, she did give great advice. I just felt stupid saying it out loud. Hey sis, some sexy man wanted to take me out on a date and I stuttered like an idiot while all but running away.

Where’s the problem in that? I was okay keeping stuff casual. Was it my preferred type of relationship? Not really, but I figured casual was better than turning into a crazy cat lady at the ripe old age of 25. Cruz made me feel like I had with Brad before he turned into a Grade-A douche bag. That terrified me. I wasn’t sure if I could handle just casual with Cruz and if it was more than casual, I had no idea what to expect.

Was he okay with the fact that I knew how to fight or would he try and change me? Did he want something serious or was he hoping for a date that ended in the horizontal tango? I was way out of my league but I couldn’t deny that there was chemistry between us. I was trying to keep it under wraps because I don’t think I could show my face around Jake’s gym if things went south. The guys there were pretty cool but if we dated or something and it went badly, I didn’t want to have guys coming on to me all the time. Argh! Why is this so difficult?

Next thing I know, I was flicked in the forehead. I stared at Alanna like she’d lost her mind.

“What the heck?” I yelled.

“I’ve been waiting for you to tell me what’s bugging you for the last five minutes but you were just gazing off into the distance. So spill!”

“Fine, remember the guy from the bar?” I asked.

“Oh no! Is he pressing charges?” she gasped.

“What?! No! I mean, not that guy! The guy who tried to step in, remember him?”

“Ooooh! You mean Mr. Sexy Buns!”

“Yeah, well he was in my class today.”

“Is he as sexy as you remembered?”



I laughed, “He was much hotter, and don’t get me started on his voice.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“He asked me out,” I mumbled, bracing myself for Alanna’s reaction. She just laughed at my obvious discomfort.

“I still don’t see the problem.”

“I just…I don’t know what to do,” I shrugged awkwardly, “I’m not very good at relationships and he seems like a good guy and I just don’t know what he’s expecting.”

“Oh, sweetie! I know Brad hurt you so you’ve kept things pretty low key since then but that doesn’t mean you can’t try for something more.” She said, hugging me. “If he’s worth your time, the fact that you’re sometimes hard to handle and possible crazy shouldn’t be a problem.” Trust your sister to give it to you like it is, no pulling punches.

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