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So to start this I feel that there are a lot of misconceptions about zodiacs. What I mean is you probably here people ask what is your zodiac sign and respond along the lines of "oh I'm a Leo/Capricorn/Pisces/etc", but there's actually a lot more to it. So I'll try to make the brief. The sign that most people know is your star sign, but there's a lot more. So pretty much I'm going to list them, and tell you what they are.

Sun sign-basic you

Moon sign-inner self

Rising sign-public you( (what you portray to strangers)

Venus sign-you in a relationship

Mars sign-dealing with your passions

Mercury sign-communication/how you plan things out

Saturn sign-limitations

Jupiter sign-luck

Neptune sign-deep inner self/spirit

Uranus sign-how you change

Pluto sign-your power

Chances are you probably don't know them all, but a little research can tell you.
For example my sun sign is Virgo, my moon sign is Pisces, and my rising sign is Capricorn.

Edit: The meanings are a bit more then this, but this is simplified.

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