Chapter 3; Babbling Away

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He spoke almost nervously smiling shyly. You nodded in reply much to his disappointment. Adjusting yourself a little you turned to face him with a small curious look. He chuckled softly, as though unsure what exactly to say.

¨Thanks for... helping me out a little back there...¨ He gave you a sincere look

You nodded again and gave a small shrug swallowing a little, adjusting your hold on the items in your arms. The Magnus seemed a little off put by your silence.

¨Is there something wrong with your throat pipes? Do you need to-¨ The magnus' concern was cut off by Jazz's chuckle

¨Don't worry about it too much O.P. (y/n)'s not one who like to jabber a lot.¨Jazz chuckled swinging an arm around your shoulderplates, ¨Ain't that right (y/n)?¨

You nodded a little at Jazz giving him a small smile, ¨Not often.¨ You spoke quietly, much to Jazz's surprise

¨Well maybe she's a little chattier today.¨ Jazz laughed with a shrug, ¨But whatever, just don't take it too personal when she doesn't speak much.¨

Optimus Magnus nodded slowly his optics flickering a little as though he was thinking and processing something.

¨Well either way its nice to meet you, and I hope we work well together.¨ He smiled and extended a hand to you 

You nodded a little and gently shook it, ¨I can be replaced anytime you wish Magnus. It is your table after all.¨ You gave a very faint chuckle and a small smile before you continued to walk, ¨I look forward to working with you as well.¨

As you rounded the corner you placed a hand over your intake surprised at yourself. You didn't need to reply with an almost joking way, but you did. This was so unlike you. A more talkative one. An almost playful one, and you weren't sure how you felt about it.

Jazz was thoroughly surprised and looked to the Magnus beside him, ¨You have a way with bots huh?¨ He chuckled, ¨Certainly made her a chatter bug.¨

¨What do you mean?¨ Optimus asked with a tilt of his helm 

¨Like I said before, she's not one for chit-chat. But with you she basically made a joke.¨ Jazz shrugged, ¨Its just interestin' is all.¨

¨Do you know why she's so quiet?¨ The new Magnus hummed

Jazz replied with a shrug, ¨She's been like that for all the time I've known 'er. So maybe something happened before then that made her so quiet?¨ He suggested

Optimus hummed quietly to himself thinking, he had so many questions, questions only you could answer about your unoffical vow of silence. Answers that would take time to get out of you. 

The Magnus bid Jazz a fair well and left to mull over his thoughts. Perhaps he could ask for your file? Was he allowed to do that? He's the Magnus! Of course he can! Can he? Optimus shook his helm a little as he entered the Magnus quarters running a servo down his faceplate. Heaving a sigh he busied himself with taking down all of the gaudy things Sentinel had hung all over the walls. It was like a horror show of only Sentinel's self obsession. 

Optimus was at least comforted by the thought that he could easily be a better Magnus than his old friend. At least a little.   

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