24. Promposals and Tricks

Start from the beginning

"The policy applies to all students."

"You're only glaring at her and me."

His lips lifted into a half smile, and he snorted again. "Go to class, Valerie Walsh." He entered the classroom and locked the door behind him. I could hear the quiet murmur of the discussion he had with his students.

He called me 'Valerie'?

So, the asshole knew my name?

I smirked. The day had just started, and I was already in a crappy mood.


I skipped the first period to head to the library. An aged librarian stood behind the counter. Mr. Hadden's white hair was swept back to reveal a rather prominent forehead. He wore a red vest over a blue dress shirt. A pair of wire-rimmed glasses balanced on the tip of his nose and he pushed it back. He beckoned me over and asked, "Do you have a pass to be here?"

I handed him a slip my teacher had signed, giving me permission to study in the library.

He held the slip close to his face for inspection then squinted as if he didn't believe me. I had lied to the guy a dozen times. I swallowed, despite being completely innocent this time. Something about his unwavering gaze made me nervous. Mr. Hadden said, "Wait here." He turned and went to the phone by the wall.

After confirming the details with my teacher, he said, "Go on in."

"Thanks." I walked between the shelves, pretending to look for a book, before sitting in one of the cushioned seats between the aisles. I placed my bag on the dirt-colored carpet and leaned back against the chair. It was already time for prom. The question wasn't so much whether or not people would be accepting of us, but if we should go at all. There would definitely be some harassment from Delilah and her crew, and others. Nothing too out of the way, just little shoves and whispered insults. Things that teachers could easily overlook.

Did I really want to subject myself to an evening of misery?

Not particularly.

But had Naomi been planning her outfit and makeup for prom since before I could remember?


So, for her sake, I would show her an amazing time.

I closed my eyes. I must have napped for a little while before I heard the shuffling of clothes in front of me. I opened my eyes and saw Claire sitting across from me in a pale-yellow blouse and black skirt. "Took you long enough," I muttered.

She said, "My teacher had to take up answers for a test. I had gotten a few wrong and stayed back to listen." She draped one leg over the other and watched me evenly.

"Naomi is going to do a promposal today, isn't she?"

"I can't answer that."

"And what if I paid you?"

She stared at me, disbelief written all over her face, and laughed. "With what money? You owe me like a hundred dollars, Val."

"I paid you back."

"A shoulder massage isn't worth a dollar."

"Really? Some places charge fifty dollars an hour for a massage. I charge way less. You should be grateful."

She looked skyward as if asking God for help to deal with me. Then, she said, "If you pay me back with interest, I'll consider answering that question."

I stared at her.

She stared at me.


10 Things I hate About Her (10 Things #1)Where stories live. Discover now