•Who are you•

393 16 3

I wake up to see Diego on the floor that grey haired boy sleep half laying down half sitting up and my head on stoke's lap while he's on his phone I look up and he looks down giving me a light smile then he goes back to doing whatever he's was doing on his phone I lift up and walk to the bathroom I grab my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it then wash my face and brush my teeth I go into my room and put on a black tube top and some black shorts the were a little above my knees I put on lotion on and deodorant (She took a shower yesterday) and sprayed some perfume on myself then walking downstairs to see the grey haired boy now on his phone him and Stoke both watching me as I come downstairs


I laugh a little

Ashley:You play to much

Stoke:You look beautiful

Ashley:Thank you

I sit down in between Stoke and The grey haired boy

Stoke:Whats the move today

Ashley:Shit Whatever yall wanna do Diego slumped tho

Stoke:Shit lets just chill

Ashley:Your boring

Stoke:You wanna do something else

He says smirking

Ashley:Nahh, You on that weird tip you nigglet

Stoke:Well you da one said I was boring sooo

Ashley:Yeah, Yeah, I get it now Shut up

I sit on his lap while hugging him

Ashley:Hey, I got a question

Stoke:Okay, ask it

Ashley:Why do you come outta nowhere and just say you love me like I already know you do

Stoke:Well, I want to make sure you know...but listen say for instance you never know when your last day is shit I could die right now but I would at least want you to know I love you because I might not get to say it before I die

Ashley:I love you lil bitch

Stoke:I love you too ugly

?:That was cute

Stoke:Yeah I know

The grey haired boy rolled his eyes and flicked him off

Ashley:Soo whats your name


Yes it's shorter than the other ones but I'm updating all my stories so yeth it's short sowwy 🥺

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