Odango - The tone

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There was a tone.



The high tone was cutting through the deep silence



The tone which was high and hurting everyones ears.



The tone everyone deeply despised and wanted to stop hurting their ears.



The tone nobody wanted to stop.



Was there a way to make it stop? Was there hope?


Was there a reason to keep going when your only reason to live was gone? Was there something worth living for?


There was no reason.


But the reason was not gone yet. There was hope. So he sat there...


Sweating and being tense every second. Being scared every second that the tone would stop.


How he wished that it would stop. The tone that was haunting him every day, every hour, every minute, every second. The tone that was taking and taking and taking from him.


He took big shaky breaths. The acclimatized air filled his lunges. It was reeking of disinfection spray and clean bed sheets. He started to wonder when this will also apply to the bed right in front of him...


He wondered how long he had been here again. Again in this lonely white room with no one to talk to except himself. Except his doubts. Even though there was another person in the room. Not awake but there. Not talking but breathing. Not living but dying...


His hand was gripping the other males hand like crazy. He didn't cry, he did that enough. There were simply no tears left. He felt drained by his feelings. Feelings of regret, attachment, loneliness. It felt as if he could feel the others heartbeat through his hand. Making sure the machine didn't make any mistakes.


The hand was quite cold like his own. It was big, chunky, rough but still so gentle. It could destroy, destroy so much. He had read about redhead past in some files. They were filled with violence. Brutal. A total hell. Even though there was so much love inside him, inside his heart. He didn't become cold and emotionless. His eyes were always filled with regret when he talked with the persons he loves, with the kids. His eyes were like Angos...


It was as if he could still feel the purple substance that once was spread out on his hand. Poison. Almost deadly. Almost. But more deadly was the poison Ango put in his heart. He broke him. Been a friend to him and betrayed him. Loved him and poisoned him. He was the reason he was here. He was the reason the children were dead. He was the reason why he got shot. He was the reason...

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