Soukoku - The better Dazai

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Dazai wasn't a cute person. Nor was he really responsible. He would do whatever he wanted no matter the time. He would annoy others to the core without caring a bit. He was probably the reason why Kunikida would die young due to all the stress he had been through.

Yet this man had the sheer confidence to keep going. While others worried they weren't enough or that they would never be missed, this man just walked along the streets and blew up others' cars just for fun. Yes he was sad and depressed but he also was alive. So why not do something fun until you commit suicide?

Dazai was a person who would get on everyone's nerves and get away with it. HE was the one to annoy. Little did he know how the tables were tabled...

That day he went home unknowing about the cruel sight that would meet him after entering. After entering his sweet oasis where he could annoy every last bit of his lover. No. NO! That couldn't be. His face became pale. In front of him is this scene of horror.

With shaking hands the former mafia executive grabbed the gun he always hid inside his trenchcoat. Good thing he could take care of this now. Otherwise-

"If you're going to shoot him then I will rip your head off", Chuuya glared at his lover who was still standing in the entrance. A gun was pointed at him.

"Why?", Dazai growled. He was so ready to shoot at any moment. End this gruesome scene.

The small chihuahua in front of the trigger only liked his nose while shaking like the usual chihuahua. It's eyes seemed to face two directions and his tongue was still hanging outside it's mouth. It was horrifyingly derpy. And more importantly it was right inside his lover's arms.

"Because I found him on the streets?"

"And? I found Aku also on the streets but didn't take him inside my home!"

Chuuya threw a knife at his lover for that unnecessary comment. Sadly he missed. "And that's why this Dazai is the better Dazai", Chuuya announced.

Dazai gasped: "You gave this ugly thing my name?! Chibi, how could you!". The brown haired male threw up his arms to show how distressed and hurt he (not really) was! "And what do you mean better? You have the perfect model right in front of you!".

"Well", Chuuya turned towards the dog and petted that derpy thing while starting to list reasons: "He doesn't try to kill himself in a way that inconveniences others. He does what he's told to do. He doesn't blow up my BIKES! Kunikida especially approves of him. Plus he's better looking than you are".

Dazai growled again. He always ignored Mori and Odasaku when they said that Karma would come and get Dazai. Now he saw what he had become. His boyfriend rather cuddled with this ugly dog than with his wonderful and lovable lover! Dazai never thought that he would be jealous about a dog but here he was.

Without saying anything more he sat down on the kitchen counter. It was time to use his brain to its full capacity. It was time to find the owner of this dog so he could have his lover for himself again.

Within only two hours the deed was done. He had found and successfully contacted the owner. And the bell finally rang to release Dazai from this constant torture of being in the same apartment as this disgusting creature (even more disgusting than Aku). And then after a few thankful words from a monotone looking guy with a mole the two of them were finally alone.

"I will miss the better Dazai '', Chuuya sighed as he sat back down on the couch. Dazai on the other hand finally saw his time to shine (and annoy probably). With a small leap and jumping over the backrest of the sofa he already sat next to his lover.

"You still have the real and way better model next to you!", Dazai exclaimed with a big smile plastered on his face.

Chuuya raised an eyebrow: "The one who blew up my car yesterday". He crossed his arms looking at his lover.

"The one who truly loves you not because you give him food", Dazai said with a small smile. Chuuya only looked at him, not a facial muscle moving. "... Okay maybe also for the food", Dazai admitted thinking about the last time when Ango and Odasaku had no recollection of what had happened the day after they ate Dazai's hotpot. It was a long story you wouldn't want to hear. Especially not with all the... Just forget it.

"The one who prefers suicide over staying with his lover", Chuuya still only looked at Dazai. No emotion. Nothing. He already knew the truth, no need to cry over it.

Dazai took Chuuya's hands very carefully. "How about a double suicide then?", he smiled at his lover.


"Too bad...", Dazai sighed as he suddenly pulled his lover towards him. It was a quick movement and without any place for resistance the small male was now sitting on the other one's lap. Their faces are right in front of each other.

Chuuya couldn't help but blush since they were so close to each other. He tried to hide it with his hand though Dazai still had an iron grip around the other one's wrists. A loss for Chuuya and a win for Dazai.

Dazai smirked as he saw his lover blushing without hiding his face. That was really the best! He loved every expression and every reaction from Chuuya. It was just too adorable! Plus it meant that Chuuya had focused all his attention on Dazai now. Something that Dazai always wanted to achieve no matter the price.

Who wouldn't want every little bit of attention from their lover? Who wouldn't want their lover to only focus on them and no one else? At least Dazai wanted EVERYTHING. He wanted to see every expression. Every emotion. Every place on his lover's body. He wanted to know every thought. He was just obsessed with the small male on his lap. Chuuya had him completely wrapped around his finger after all.

Suicide was still something Dazai tried. Nothing more nothing less. He failed every time. Not that he would really mind. He was interested in death and the question no one could answer. What would there be? Paradise? Reincarnation? Nothing? Or some other stuff? Who knows.

But the thought of leaving Chuuya was something Dazai couldn't handle. Not only because he would hurt Chuuya but also because what if Chuuya started to love someone else? What if Chuuya found someone who could take away his sorrow? Dazai couldn't handle the thought of HIS chibi in the arms of another person. HIS lover being kissed by someone else. and that was one of the reasons why Dazai only tried and didn't do anything with all his might.

He wrapped his arms around the small waist of his adorable lover and pulled Chuuya closer. He then rested his chin on the other one's shoulder. Chuuya once again started blushing and cursing since he had just calmed down from the first attack and now that? What was going on with this waste of bandages?!

There's no way I'm just going to let you go after you finally became mine. Not even for a dog, was what Dazai only thought to himself...


Is... is that fluff? I don't know... I don't even know if I like it lmao it's such a rollercoaster xDD Requested by _flaires_

Plus inspirations came from MintBeilschmidt, a very amazing person!

Thank you all for commenting and voting on the last chapter :3 I really love reading every chapter (even though I answer pretty late I'm soooorryy)

Last pictureeee ready uwu Again no repost or at least not without credit! Hope you find it okay (because damn every soukoku picture looks so wonderful and then there's me lmao) 

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