Chapter 6 Calling Home

Start from the beginning

"Well you'll have to wait a little while, I saw that Felicia was on the phone to her parents a little while ago, and they're probably still talking."

"That's alright, I can wait, after all I'm talking to you right now.  How are your other friends?"

"Raven and Maddie are both good.  Except Raven is disappointed because she was supposed to be rooming with Maddie this year, but Apple White decided to interfere and asked the Headmaster if she could room with Raven because she's such a big part of her story."  I rolled my eyes.  "And can you believe this: today she asked me to try and convince Raven to follow her destiny because I'm her friend and she thinks she'll listen to me.  Why can't Apple just accept that Raven doesn't want to be the next Evil Queen and move on?"

"Her family is steeped in tradition, dear, she has a lot of expectations resting on her shoulders.  I'm not saying that what she's doing is right, but maybe she feels pressured to do it."

"Yeah, well, it's still wrong."  I huffed.  "Anyway, I saw Kitty yesterday, she seems fine, and I saw Ashlynn yesterday, we talked for a bit, then we passed each other in the halls this afternoon and waved to each other.  So she seems to be ok.  Oh!  And guess what happened in Damsel-in-distressing today."


"Right in the middle of class a sword flew through the window!"  I exclaimed and heard my mother gasp on the other end of the phone.  "Don't worry no one got hurt."

"Well that's a relief.  Who's sword was it?"

"Some guy name Antonio."

"Oh I see, did you meet him?"

"Yes, when he came to get it back.  He was nice, but he didn't hang around for long.  He looked pretty embarrassed."

"Did he get into trouble?"

"Not exactly, or at least not from Madam Maid Marian.  He probably got into trouble from whichever teacher was in charge of the class he was supposed to be in at the time."

"Well I should hope so, he could have hurt someone."

"Meh.  He didn't hurt anyone and it made the class more interesting."

She chuckled, "I suppose that's the important thing then."

"So where's Papa?"

"He's out at the moment, unfortunately, but there are two people that would love to talk to you."

"Hey Kat!"  The excited voices of Isabella and Daniel came through the mirrorphone.

"Hey guys, miss me yet?"

"Nah.  We'd never miss you."  Daniel replied with a laugh, though I knew he was just kidding.

"Oh I see, then maybe I won't bring you any presents when I come home again."

There was a gasp, "You wouldn't do that!"

"Would you?"  Isabella asked.

"That depends, how much do you miss me?"  I smirked as I waited for their answer.

"Lots and lots!"  They both shouted.

"Ok, ok, well I miss you too, so I'll be sure to bring you each a present when I come back."

"Yay!"  They cheered.

I chuckled, they could be pretty cute when they wanted to be.  "Have you two been good for Mama and Papa?"


"Have you been good at school?"  Daniel asked.

"Of course."

"Good because if we're not allowed to get into trouble then neither are you."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

The mirrorphone call lasted quite awhile until eventually I had to say goodbye.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now.  Dinner will be ready in the Castleteria soon and I don't want to be late."

"Aw ok.  Bye Kat!"  Isabella said.

"Bye Kat."  Daniel sighed.

"Bye guys."  I heard them run off then Mama spoke.

"Goodbye Kat, take care.  Don't forget to call again soon."

"I will Mama, I promise.  Say hello to Papa for me."

"I will.  Goodbye kitten."

"Bye Mama."  Then with that I hung up.

I missed them.

Female Narrator

After the call Katherine headed back inside to go and have dinner with her friends, though her mind dwelled on her family back home.  She had promised to stay out of trouble, but little did she know that today's small misadventure was only the beginning of things to come.


Dun dun duh!  What do you think of my ominous ending?  Was it any good?

What adventures do you think lay in store for our young heroine?  Keep reading the next chapters to find out!

I really hope that you guys liked this chapter, I'm sorry that it wasn't a little more exciting, but I wanted Kat to call home and just check in with her family since it made for a nice little recap of some of what has happened so far.  Anyway, let me know what you think and be sure to tell me if there's something specific you'd like to see in future chapters!

- Lexa

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