The Other Squips - Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

Michael did a flamboyant hair flip, even though he had no hair to flip. "I know you would never abandon me~." He gushed.

I rolled my eyes with a grin. "Yeah, yeah, I need to go, cya later!" I waved goodbye to Michael as I backed away to go towards the lunchroom.

I walked into the cafeteria to look for Jake. It wasn't that hard, I knew where he and the popular people sat. They always sat at the table closest to the right windows, it was a strange place to sit, so I assume that's why they picked it.

Almost immediately, Jake saw me walking in their direction. "Hey, gorgeous! Over here!" Jake called for me as he pointed at the empty spot next to him. I smiled and sat down next to him, which had me also sitting next to Brooke. "I had to fend off that seat just for you~." He joked. I giggled at his remark.

"Thanks, Jake." I smiled. I heard Eric grunt in annoyance behind me.

"Hey Y/n, I got lunch for you!" Brooke said, sliding an extra lunch tray that she got for me.

"Awwww, thanks, babes." I thanked Brooke.

Brooke gave me a huge grin. "O-M-G! 'Babes'! That's nickname is totes adorable!" She yelled in a giddy way.

I smiled at Brooke and looked at the food she gave me. It was a box that had sushi and a couple of cookies in it.

"Thanks, Brooke, I love it!" I grinned.

"See? I told you should love it if you gave it to her!" Jake exclaimed to Brooke.

"Wait, so Jake wanted me to have this?" I felt my face warm up. "He's so sweet!"

"Oh yeah, he's so great," Eric grumbled from behind me.

"Bish, you're just jealous that I got free food."

"Y/n, I can't eat food, I'm a computer-" Eric abruptly cut himself off. "- I mean yes! I'm only jealous because you got food!" Eric quickly glitched in a nervous tone. Okay, that's it, whenever he glitches he's lying. It has to be. I know because he LITERALLY JUST said that he can't eat food, and then a second later he said that he's jealous of the food I got.

"So, Y/n," Jake got my attention. "Will you be attending my Halloween party?" Jake asked with a smirk.

I smile and laughed. "Of course, but Halloween isn't for like, another 2 weeks." I giggled.

Jake shrugged my comment off. "Good! I really hope to see you there~." Jake winked as he leaned closer to me. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as Jake entwined our fingers underneath the table.

But, apparently, I was too flustered to notice the jealous, pissed off, angry mess of my Squip, Eric behind me. Eric kept glitching behind me, trying desperately to calm himself down.

"Please turn me off for a bit, I need to go review something." Eric managed to spit out.

I didn't take my soft gaze off Jake. "Sure, how do I do that...?"

But, you're just a computer... [SQUIP x Fem. Reader]Where stories live. Discover now