When they reached the palace gates, Thor found his mother standing alone, not a single guard with her, her body was tense and it looked like she was trying to hold herself.

"Thor. " she whispered when he stood in front of her, her red, puffy eyes staring at him with so much fear.

And Thor couldn't take it anymore. "Amma, " it has been centuries ago when he last call her that, but he was scared -

Scared that he would lose his brother again because of the reactions of Fandral and his mother, he doesn't believe what Hemidall told him.

Frigga looked at her son and he seemed like the little boy she used to soothe his nightmares, he looked so lost and vulnerable.

"We have to get your brother out. " Frigga said. "Odin has gone mad. He is killing my little boy slowly. "

Red -

Red was the only thing Thor could see in front of him.

"But it would be treason, your majesty." Hogun said but at the glare that Thor had sent him and the way his hand tightened on Mjolnir, he bowed his head because the person in front of him is not his friend, a different one whose only aim is to destroy anything.

"Thor, " Steve said, quietly, doing his best to suppress the churning of dread in his gut; because what could have happened to him worse than death?

Maybe torture? But Odin won't do this to his own son, Steve thought.

He doesn't know why he cared about Loki. He only caused destruction on earth but if it was proven that he was innocent, Steve would do everything in his power to protect him because that is what Captain America would do; protecting the innocents.


Without warning, dark cloud formations started to imprint their marks on the crystal-clear blue sky, suggesting the imminent arrival of an intense and powerful thunderstorm. The strong gusts of wind were unleashed and started to impulse the dim and murky clouds closer and closer. The once beautiful golden sky was steadily engulfed by darkened and dense patches of clouds washing and draining away every bit of its persistent, brilliant colours.

It was all Thor's doing, he was seething with anger as they made their way to the dungeons.

"Thor. " Frigga said, concern laced in her voice. She fears what Thor would do when he sees Loki.

But what will she do when she sees her son? What if she lost her son?

Oh, Odin wouldn't only face Thor's wrath -

No, he would face hers too.

She could hear the rumbles of thunder and it shows how angry and upset he is.

And when she put her hand on his shoulder to stop, he flinched.

"Mother? " it was as if he was lost in his thoughts. And his shoulder sagged when he noticed the state of the weather.

"You need to be calm for your brother. "

"I apologize, mother. " he said and eventually the angry sound of thunder quietened. Frigga could see a few streaks of sun rays able to pierce through the darkened sky that began to lighten.

When they reached the dungeons, Frigga guided them to Loki and thankfully they didn't encounter any guard. She didn't know what Thor would do if someone dared to stop him.

Thor could see the way his mother's hand flow to her mouth as she froze in front of the cell, he swallowed and trying to think of what Loki would like but -

It never crossed his mind that he would see this scene in front of him. His tongue feels suddenly too heavy to form any words at all. It felt like a blade sliding to and through him, right into his heart.

The way Loki was sitting against the wall, arms resting on his knees and purple and blue bruises bloomed on his skin like flowers. The darkness below his sunken eyes was like the void.

And -

And his mouth was sewn shut. And Thor heard the deep inhale that Steve let, and the shouting for his name but -

His brother, his little brother whom he swore to protect was hurting and Thor was the one who brought him here.

"Thor, only Odin's blood could open this energy shield. " he heard his mother saying but her voice sounded so distant. "Please, Thor. Please. "

He furrowed looking at his mother who was inside the cell and Steve who stood in front of him. "Thor, you need to snap out of it. Open the shield." Steve said. "Loki needs you. "

But he has already failed him.

He nodded and couldn't register what he was doing but the field vanished and he stumbled when he approached his brother but caught himself.

His mother and Steve have stood at the side to let Thor crouch to his brother's level. Frigga wanted nothing but to gather Loki in her arms but he was flinching hard. The way his blood flowed from his lips when she applied her magic to remove the stitches but she cleaned it with his magic and the scars on his mouth made her heart shatter into small pieces.

"Loki. " Thor said, gently, trying to keep his rage at bay, but Loki flinched and recoiled from his touch. "Brother. "

And his heart ached at the afraid look, Loki was sending him.

"We need to get him to Lady Eir. '' Frigga said to Loki gently . "I am sorry, Loki. "

"Mother? " Loki said, but the word felt so heavy on his tongue, a frown formed on his face when she put her fingers on the side of his head. "What-" his voice was so small, followed by a whimper.

But he couldn't resist the lull of his mother's magic as his eyes began to shut without his command, letting him fall into unconsciousness.

"What did you do? " Thor asked, fear visible in his voice but he knew that his mother would never harm Loki.

"He is asleep now, my boy. " she said, standing from his position. " Will you carry him to the healing wing? "

Without answering, Thor lifted his brother's broken body gently and they began to make their way to Lady Eir.

But on their way, Odin stood and behind him many guards stopped them. "Move, Odin. Before I do something I would regret later. " Thor said, coldly.

But Odin was looking at his other son, his one shined with tears and Thor wanted to shield his brother's body from his prying eye and those of the guards.

"Odin, there is no time for this. " Frigga said, looking at him with fury in her eyes.

But he shook his head "Loki, my boy must not remember anything. " he said, panicking. " Forgive me, my son. "

It happened so fast that Thor couldn't prevent it, the blast from Gungnir hitting Loki, sending them both tumbling on the floor.

His brother's body was above him but -

It was a small body, dwarfed in Loki's clothes and when he removed the clothes from his brother's face.

Loki's bruised young face was laying on his chest and he kept staring at his little brother who looked the same way centuries ago.

He could feel Frigga prying the little body from him and could hear her saying to Steve that Loki -

"He has been turned into his younger version, six years old."

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