Spiraling Out of Control

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  • Dedicated to Marilyn Manson

Author's Note: Incoming angst! Get them tissues man!

Chapter Two: Spiraling Out of Control

Raven hadn't left her room since they had come back from the concert. When Amanda had eventually met up with her she had been wandering around in an almost zombie state. Her eyes were alarmingly dead and void of emotion, causing concern to shoot through her. Raven had resisted any questions, instead staying silent for the entire trip home. She simply stared out at the passing landscape, her eyes dead and hollow. 

As soon as they got home she had gone up to her room, leaving Amanda to let Lady in. There she had stayed for the past three days. She didn't even know if Raven had eaten anything. Not even music came from the room and that was really unusual. Usually her friend would play Marilyn Manson when she was upset. She began to wonder if what happened had anything to do with the singer. 

Raven ignored the phone as it rang again for the 20th time that day. A familiar ring tone of 'Last Day on Earth' let her know that it was once again Manson trying to get a hold of her. Sighing sadly, she rolled to face away from the ringing phone. She had only put in the number and gave it a ring tone so she wouldn't accidentally pick up. Despite what he had said at the concert, doubt filled her. It was impossible for anyone to develop interest in someone that quickly, right? Unwilling to pick up the ringing, deep red phone, she closed her eyes and waited for him to give up. It would be better for her if she just forgot him anyway. 

Manson glared down at the phone as he was informed her mailbox was full. She hadn't listened to his messages but she hadn't deleted them either. Sighing in frustrated worry, he closed his phone and put it in his pocket. He was almost considering trying to find her but he didn't even know where she lived. Growling in frustration, he poured himself a glass of vodka mixed with absinthe; knocking it down in one gulp as if it was nothing. He hated feeling this powerless. 

Amanda stood in front of her friend's silent room, straining her ears to hear any sign of life. The only noise she heard was a soft ring tone playing a song that sounded familiar to her. Then it hit her, it was 'Last Day on Earth' the song Raven had sung to Manson with such emotion. Was it possible that Manson was trying to get a hold of Raven? If that was true, why wasn't Raven answering it. Unable to stand it anymore, Amanda flung open the door and stormed inside. 

Raven was fast asleep, her almost bruised eyes tightly shut. Dried tear trails were on her cheeks and she was very thin. It looked as if she hadn't been eating or sleeping. Amanda moved toward the still ringing phone, looking at the name on the display in near disbelief. The name read 'Marilyn Manson'. Looking guiltily at her friend, she took the phone and left the room. 

Manson was about to resign himself to getting the mailbox full message again when it sounded like the phone was answered. "Raven?" he breathed, a bit of relief and hope coming into his voice. 

"No, this is her friend Amanda. What happened that night?" asked a strange, female voice. 

His heart plummeting to the floor, he fought the urge to demand the woman on the line let him talk to Raven. "We were getting to know each other when I had to leave. I gave her my number but I think she thinks this is a trick of some sort," he answered, pinching the bridge of his nose as he took deep, calming breaths. 

"Well that explains some things at least. Look, she isn't doing too well. She hasn't left her room in three days, hasn't eaten and it looks like she hasn't been sleeping much," the female on the other end reported, her voice thick with concern. 

What she told him made him tighten his grip on the phone hard enough to make the plastic creak. He was going to kill that manager the next time he saw the man. "I'll book a flight tonight. I'll be there as soon as I can," he growled into the phone, clenching his jaw. 

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