Chapter 2

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You looked at your feet as you walked into the shop to buy the supplies. There weren't many people and you were thankful, so many strangers in a place gave you anxiety.

You checked the list you made and grabbed everything you needed.

You paid and left.

"Oh look who's there Jisung" You heard behind you.

"Ew!" Jisung replied.

You didn't dare to look behind and kept walking. So unlucky of you to find him there right at that moment. You accelerated the pace and started to feel nervous.

Suddenly his friend appeared in front of you.

"What's there in the bag?" He smiled maliciously.

You stayed silent and kept walking.

"Let me see" He tried to grab the bag. You walked a few steps back.

"No!" You panicked and grabbed it strongly and then started to run.

"Jisung she's running away" His friend shouted.

"Good for us then. There will be no trash in our way"

Those words stabbed you.

Why did you have to be so weak? You couldn't face your fears. You felt so bad when you told others to be strong and face their fears when you were the opposite. You hated it.

Tears threatened to come out but the fear was stronger and you held them.

You arrived home and forced a smile on your face.

"Hey honey. How was your day?" Your mum asked you when you entered.

"Really good" You lied and hugged her. You wanted to cry and tell her everything, but her discussions with your dad were a huge torture for her already so you stayed silent.

"Oh that's great" She smiled.

You excused yourself and went to your room.

Your sister, who was a year older than you, was sitting on the bed while she was on her phone.

"I have a project for school. Will you help me?" You asked while you started to change your clothes.

She looked up and frowned her eyebrows.

"I would but... Don't you have a partner?" She asked.

You sighed.

"I do, it's Jisung"

Her expression became serious.

"I will help you"

"Thank you"

The next day you went to the library with your sister and started your project there.

It was a rainy autumn day and it was really cold.

"I'm going to buy something to drink" Your sister said after a while. You smiled and nodded "I'll be back quickly"

You sat there observing the project when suddenly a familiar voice made you look up.

Not again. It was Jisung with his annoying friends.

He usually came to the library with his friends to hangout when it was cold outside or it was raining.

You nervously kept doing your work as if he wasn't there.

To your surprise he approached you and looked at the project.

"Hmmm. It's fucking ugly" He pointed it and laughed.

You stayed silent and looked him.

You wanted to reply so badly but your mouth was shut because of the fear.

Hidden bruises || NCT Park Jisung ffWhere stories live. Discover now