The Calling

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        The tribe of Forks, Washington had heard tales of A supernatural being who fights for others. He was know as quad-bred in the supernatural world. Originally born a half demon half sorcerer. Cursed with the werewolf curse, and bitten by a vampire in his flurry of rage. No one of his kind exists other than himself. He was truly and utterly alone. He works to protect others and keep balance and order in the supernatural world.

     He lives in the forests of Ontario, Canada, waiting on the day others will call on him and his services required. He goes by the name of Lucifer and to summon him you need to do three things. You need a witch who comes from the northern light clan, you need someone who has a pure heart, and you need to bring the leader of the protecting clan. The ritual is fairly complex and every step is crucial and needs to be exact and precise. It is all to keep things in balance because he will be awake until all threats have subsided and peace restored.
    But there is an adjoining prophecy that surround this mysterious boy. It is that one day he will awake on his own to find the person he is to be destined to. When he does the entire balance of vampires will be at stake. The demise or salvation shall rest upon his shoulders. One path will lead his recidivist to an early tomb, the other to a new dawn for all of creation and peace among all species. But the boy was to never know of this prophecy until the the symbol on his tomb glowed red.

*switch to Lucifer's P.O.V*
      It was dark, it was cold, and it was eerily disturbing how quiet it was as I arose out of my tomb. Usually I could hear the chanting of the warlock. But it was silent, Sept for the eastern wind that blew across the temple walls. I surveyed my surroundings as I inhaled the air. Weird, I think, there at no scents in the air. There was nothing, which was disturbing. Then a glow on the stone of my tomb caught my attention. It was written in the language of the chameleons, an inscription of a prophecy I think. The language of my people had become rusty as time has grown older. As I read and translated further my eyes widen drastically. What the heck. I'm supposed to find my recidivist. Something I'd only dreamed of doing since first learning about them. A pleasant smile erupts from my mouth. I looked down at myself and nearly cringed. The last time I was awake was during the civil war. One hundred and forty three years had passed since then. I require a wardrobe change and a shower. Just then a pleasant smell entered my nose, it was earthy but also had the underlying scent of an individual person. Oh great, a shape shifter. But oh well, this one seems to be alone as far as I can tell. All of a sudden the giant wolf stops in front of the temple and stares wide eyed at me. I smirked at his reaction. I could hear the questions running through his head. "What's your name? Yes I can hear you how the he'll do you think I communicated with your kind all these years." Then two more wolves walk out of the trees surrounding the wolf, this time they were in their human forms. One was bigger than the other, probably older, both had short hair and no shirt as well as cut off jean shorts practically painted on their legs. I rose an eyebrow at their appearance. Then the younger looking one took a step forward and introduced himself as Embry Call, the fourth youngest of the pack. He also introduced the older one as Jared Cameron, the second oldest. From their postures I guessed the one still in wolf form was their alpha. I nodded toward the member before looking towards the alpha. "Why have you come here?" The other two looked away from my intense stare on all three of them, but the alpha stood his ground, bold choice, but a wise one. "We need you help, a vampire named Victoria is come with a vampire army she created, they intend to destroy a human we protect named Isabella Swan, but after they plan to destroy the town we protect called Forks in Washington. We have teamed up with a coven of vampires and we need your assistance in both protecting the town and destroying the army. Our pack is strong but there are not many of us, and even with the coven we are severely outnumbered and are facing a highly trained newborn army." His voice is firm and strong, unwavering. I ponder their request for many a minutes before sighing and making a decision. "I will agree to help you on a few conditions. You are to house me while I'm assisting you and you are to introduced me to every member of this coalition. Under no circumstances will any of you disobey my orders, you are to never try to attack me or anyone that is not the intended target, and never risk the revealing of our species to human beings. You are to never lie or try to trick me a and otherwise cause harm to me. Accept these conditions or leave." My voice was deadly serious and my eyes were firmly connected to theirs. All of their eyes were dead serious as well when they agreed to my terms forming a pact binding them to their own words.

     After the pact was formed the mood lessened. Becoming more friendly and less tense. "Now shall we go?" Then we were off to go to their tribe and inform everyone of my status and form a plan.


        So the first chapter is up, and I'm actually kind of satisfied with the way it turned out. Though I'm out of ideas on what to do next, but I do have a general idea of how I want it to go, but if you have a suggestion, I'd be glad to hear it. The pic up top is of Lucifer when he's cleaned up. The face claim is of William Brent. I'll put his outfit up in the next chapter. So with all of this being said, peace, oh and don't forget to leave your comments, vote, or share, or whatever, I don't really care.

    For further information, private message me or comment, and I'll will try to explain best I can without spoiling anything. As far as warnings go, this book contains BxB, swearing, self hatred, self doubts, thoughts of suicide, self flagellation, graphic detail in some parts, mature content,  alcoholism, mental disorders, etc.. if these thing trigger you, or you do not like them then please don't go any further as I do not like dealing with negative or hateful comments. Finally, I will make myself clear in saying that I DO NOT own Twilight or its ORIGINAL characters and plot, however I DO own my added characters and plot, unless the character or idea was created by someone else in which case I will give them their due credit. 

Your Recidivist - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now