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With my business here concluded I want nothing more than to leave this party but Lily hasn't arrived yet. My eyes scan the sea of people, looking for anyone I recognise before flicking back to the entrance every few seconds.  Christ, Harry! Calm down. She'll be here and if she doesn't show then no big deal. 

"Hey, why didn't you kiss Rosa?" Glenne startles me and prods my chest, pulling from my pep talk.

"Hello to you too." I smirk but my friend doesn't look pleased.

"Well?" She glares at me, her hands on her hips.

"Well, what?" I glance at the door and curse under my breath. I really need to get a grip.

"Why didn't you kiss Rosa? She's nice, and you seemed to like her?" Glenne pinches my chin and turns my head to face her.

"Yeah. She seemed nice but-"

"But what? What dumb excuse do you have this time? Maybe I should just stop trying to help you find love?" Glenne sighs.

"Maybe that's for the best. I don't think I'm looking for love right now." I reply, messing around with Pinky is making me realise there isn't a rush. I am still young. I am allowed to have fun.

"Since when?" Glenne exclaims just as some pink curls catch my attention. Lily subtly waves her hand and I smile back at her and nod my head. "Who are you looking at?" Glenne hisses, making me snap my eyes back to her. She looks over her shoulder in the direction I had been looking but Lily is gone.

"Just a producer I know, pays to be nice." I grin when Glenne turns back to me.


I hurry through the glamorous entrance to the hotel where this party is being held. I had fallen asleep, so I'm now almost an hour later than I'd originally told Harry I would be here. I hoped he was still here.

"Brit!" George calls out to me when I reach the roped off entrance. He likes to call me Brit on account of my accent. "Haven't seen you around for months, how's things?" George's company provides security for most of the parties in LA, well the exclusive ones anyway.

"You know. Same old, same old." I lie, but I'm not about to discuss the disaster that is my life in the foyer of the Beverly Wilshire. "How's Tina?"

"Amazing. Just found out we're having a baby, isn't that great?" He smiles as he holds the rope aside for me, not even bothering to check his expansive guest list.

"Wonderful. I'll shout you a drink if you're around later." I force a smile. Why was the world so obsessed with babies? I'd never seen the appeal. 

I stop just inside the door of the exquisite ballroom, where Edward played the piano and then proceeded to fuck Vivian on it, in Pretty Woman. There was no grand piano here tonight, and I suddenly wondered if Harry knew how to play? My eyes scan the room seeking out my reason for being here and I spot him easily enough, he is one of the few men in here not scared of colour. His mint green suit stands out like a beacon in the sea of black, grey and blue. I wave quickly when he looks in my direction and his nod confirms he's seen me. I hope we won't be here long. My body is already pining to feel his hands all over my skin.

"LILY?" A familiar mix of voices yell my name and my fears are confirmed when I look in the direction they'd came from.

"Lil, what are you doing here?" My twin brother asks as he pulls me towards him.

"I have a meeting, Ren. What are you doing here?" I ask. I had planned to call him this afternoon and let him know I was in town but my nap had gotten in the way of that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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