A crazy night

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When I got home I went up stairs to change into a dress that has red, white and blue roses on the top, with a long short red skirt attached. I curled my hair lightly. I also put on some gold and black accent jewelry. After that I went to talk to Alesa but when I went into her room she was asleep so I just wrote a letter saying

"I will be out probably till the morning but be sure to go to school please if you do I will pull you out early. Most likely before PE. Ok be good. Love you. -Cass".

I called a cab and headed to the restraunt. When I got there I saw quite a few people there some people I recognize others I didnt. CC noticed me so he started to walk up to me

"Hey you look gorgeous it took me minute to realise it was you" he said taking my hand walking me to where everyone was waiting to be seated.

"CC what the hell bro aren't you waiting for Cass" Andy said with shock in his voice.

"I am Cass Andy" I say sassily

"Oh shit I'm sorry you look very different than before. Very pretty. Beautiful. Speaking of beautiful..." Andy says walking around CC and I to a really pretty blonde girl walking in. They hugged and kissed each other then came walking back Andy introduced her to me her name is Juliet and is Andys girlfriend. A few other band members and their girls walked in the last person to show up was Ashley he had some big boobed, bubble butt, bleach blonde chick with him and he doesn't even know her name poor girl. We all finally got seated I sat between Ronnie and CC on the other side of Ronnie was an empty seat I wondered why. After a few minutes the waiter took our drink orders everyone got an alcoholic drink but Ronnie once our drinks arrived so did a pretty girl with short hair and a great smile on her face. She walked up to Ronnie and gave him a sneaky hug which made him really happy. He introduced me to her, her name is Jenna King. By the 3 drink I was real comfortable with CC we all finished our meals and decided to go to a club and drink. We decided to go to the flamingo next door. They were taking fireball shots but CC and I decided to share a glass of fireball which was great after about an hour we were all pretty drunk I was dancing with the strippers and CC was recording me most of the time. Jake was vlogging the whole night but no one cared. We all got hungry again and decided to drunkenly walk around the Venichan to find food we ended up walking thru the shops and we tried on masks we all took a photo on the Harley in the harley store. We finally found a McDonalds and ate there after that one by one they started to go back to the hotel I decided to go home and I took CC with me. It was 4:50 when we got to my house. When we stumbled in we must have awoken my dogs because Gadreel started to viciously bark running down the hall. He stopped when he realised it was me but he was hesitant twords CC but CC aperently loves pugs and just grabbed him and hugged him for like 3 minutes. I led CC to my room so we could sleep, I went to my closet to change into something comfortable which was a pair of mayday parade short shorts and a tank top. I walked back into my room to find CC looking at his phone in his underwear only. I lied down on my bed and patted the empty side and CC laid down next to me and he put his arm around me and we were both quickly asleep.

The boy with wild hair and makeupOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora