The intoductions and a show

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When I got back home. I asked Alesa if she was still mad at me about not letting her go to the concert today. **knock knock**

"What do you want Cass" she says harshly as I open the door.

"Are still mad about that concert tonight" I ask

"Mabey alottle" she replies

"Oh well get ready to go we are leaving in half an hour" I say

"Wait leaving for the concert!" she ask excitedly

"Yes,.......alottle really" I say as I leave and close the door as soon as the door closes I hear screaming from behind the door.

I get to my closet and decide to try and look rocker like so I put on an Ozzy Osborne ripped tank top, black skinny jeans that have holes in them, black cowboy boots that have rhinestones and fringe on them along with my black cowboy hat that match the boots. I put on thick winged eyeliner and go down stairs. I pour myself a shot of mint julip to freshen my breath but as well loosen me up. I look at the clock and realize we should leave in about 5 minuets.

"Alesa are you ready to go" I yell to her. When she come rushing down stairs all painted black with a black veil on her head, black on black converse, black tworn skinny jeans and a black veil brides shirt.

"Ok ready" I ask


"Alright grab a jacket and let's get out of here. Oh and grab mine too" I ask as she walks twords the coat closet.

We get to the car and I drive off twords the venue and she gets confused when I drive past the parking lot and go to the back. I park in an open space behind the venue.

"Ok why are we parking in the back and it doesn't even start for another couple hours it's six and it starts at eight I'm so confused" she say really fast and excited at the same time.

"Well we were invited by someone named Raphel or was it christian I'm not positive but yeah I was asked to get here early so " I say

"What CC" she screams

"I guess I have to pee wait here ill be back momentarily" I say getting out of the car going to the closet restroom once I finished I had to walk thru the casino to get to the parking lot Alesa was in I was about to exit the casino when I was stopped by someone.

"Hey sexy how are you doing I'm Ashely what's your name" this guy at least I think it's a guy says to me.

"I'm alright I guess. The names Cass. What's it to ya" I say turning around to face him

"Wow hott and sassy well what can I expect from a girl wearing cowboy boots and hat. Ozzy fan huh say you want to meet me here in a couple of hours." he says flirtatiously

"Ha funny and pretty but no I have other plans. Mabey if we cross paths again." I say walking away he just turns around to find another girl. When I got back to the car I knock on the window and motion Alesa to get out to go to the security gate. We get there and I say

" Hi we were invited by a Christian Raphel Mora"

"Alright ma'am give me one second" the man says as he pulls out a cell phone and talks to some one. He hangs up and turns around "please wait here I have to have him verify you"

"Alright" we waited for about a minuet. Until CC came running with a grin on his face.

"Yay you made it haha. Follow me ma-lady. Oh yeah is this your little sister." CC says

"Hi hi hi hi I'm Alesa and I can't believe this is actually happening. Can I hug you I'm going to hug you" she says as she jumps on to CC.

"Hi I assume you know who I am." CC says

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