Chapter Seven

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Kael disliked beaches.

Granted, he disliked many things but he had never understood the mortal realm's fascination with beaches. What was so appealing about throwing yourself into a body of salty – and often cold – water, and then coat yourself in sand?

And after this morning, Kael knew his dislike for beaches would intensify.

As the sun dawned over Melbourne in the distance, leaving the sky above them a gradient of blues, purples and burning oranges, Kael knelt in the sand along Brighton Beach with a brisk morning wind sweeping through his hair. Chains of enchanted steel bound his wrists and ankles, leaving burn marks in his skin each time he shifted, and surrounding him were four Alchemists all dressed in fur-lined black coats to match Eden who stood in front of them, awaiting the arrival of Taryn and Eljae.

Ace was beside Kael, of course, but he was unfortunate enough to wear a gag after his inane chatter became irritating enough that one of the Alchemists shut him up.

Eden, in her ankle-length suede black coat and fur collar stood impassively in front of Kael, leather-gloved hands clasped loosely behind her back. She had pinned her blonde hair into a crown braids around her head, only a few strands pulled free by the wind, and as Kael watched her back he wondered how long she had planned to take the role of Alchemist Queen. He had always thought her to be Asina's devoted lackey, but maybe she had been scheming all along to take the throne. She certainly hadn't wasted time by mourning Asina's death.

As if noticing his attention, Eden looked back at Kael over her shoulder. 'Taryn is late. Perhaps I overestimated her attachment to you.'

'She'll be here,' Kael replied, even though he wished for the opposite.

Not only did Taryn have a habit of attracting trouble, she also had a habit of running headlong into trouble. He also knew how much she hated people risking danger for her sake, which was why she put herself in front of the danger instead.

Eden's gaze slid off Kael and he instinctively turned to follow it, but it wasn't Taryn who appeared. Eden was watching an early-morning jogger approaching them, and although he didn't appear to be wearing headphones and it had become light enough now that anyone would have seen the odd group of people standing on the beach, the jogger went straight past them along the edge of the water.

Kael squinted at the air surrounding them and caught the subtle shimmer of magical energy. He turned back to Eden just as she slipped a glowing stone back into her jacket pocket. She's cast a glamour, Kael realised.

'Ah,' Eden murmured, her attention focusing on the brightly-coloured Brighton Beach Boxes that stood in a row at the top of the beach.

Kael saw Taryn as she walked out from behind one of Beach Boxes, Eljae beside her. She was dressed in a large hooded jumper and jeans, but it was to the bruise on her face that snagged Kael's focus. He frowned at her when she met his gaze, but she offered a reassuring smile in response.

'I'm glad our message was received,' Eden said in greeting, a smugness to her words.

It was Eljae who replied. 'You saved us the trouble of hunting you down ourselves, so thanks.'

'You're implying this is going to end in a fight?'

'If required, sure,' said Eljae, her claws lengthening where her hands rested on her hips.

Eden raised a gloved hand, wisps of blonde hair fluttering as she shook her head. 'That certainly isn't my intention.'

'Just like it wasn't your intention to stab us in the back and send Ace and I to Alcatraz?' Eljae asked, anger edging her words.

The Blood Bracelets #4 - Hell RaisedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora