the Forgotten bits

86 1 3

* sighs metaphorically*


The screen flashed illuminating the lightless room with pale glows cast on plain walls.

She reached for her wine glass reflexively. Her hand hit the glass, knocking it over, spilling its crimson content. She looked down starteld by the movement, removing her from her trance like state of mind. She sighed at the red stain on her carpet her new,expensive, luxurious,white carpet.

"Damnit." she said scowling, she unfolded her legs and sat up. Thankfully the glass had not shattered, so she wouldn't have that to worry about. She moved to the open kitchen, that stretched out into the living room. She looked under the kitchen sink and quickly located old rags to mop up the mess. She thought how out of place they looked in this house with its atmosphere of sterility, its white walls and white halls just with a diffrent hue of pale here and there. The home phone rang and she picked it up "hello?", static "weird" ,she said aloud "I didn't even know phones did that anymore" , a frown on her pretty face. She quickly put it aside in her mind and set out dabbing the stain. The phone rang again, she reached out, from where she was kneeling on the ground, for the phone on the table stand. (Still making it up as we go along)

"Hello" ,her voice now filled with annoyance. More static, "Ahg" ,anger slowly beginning to form. The phone rang a third time and with it came impatient sense of tiring. She grabbed at the device and yelled into it. "LOOK WHO EVER THIS IS-", her words cut off as she heard the phone go dead. "What the" she looked puzzled. The tall standing lamp next to her flicked on. She froze where she knelt, eyes wide. She remaind there for a few moments only standing when satisfied she had not been stabbed or murdered. She tried turning it off yet the bulb continued to glow. Curiosity gripped her and she pulled out the plug. It continued to glow. She escalated the experiment by unscrewing the bulb, she feld it in her hand, the heat did not burn her hand nor did it cease to shine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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