"I look like an idiot," Leo said as he tugged uncomfortably at his hoodie.

"I think you look beautiful," Nick replied as he slid his hand to the small of his back.

"I look stupid," he insisted.

"I chose this outfit for you for a reason. I don't want you to stand out here, not when you're my mate. I've brought you here for a fun time but that doesn't mean people won't be lurking. Some people are like parasites."

"Okay, now I'm kind of scared."

"Don't be. I'll be by your side the whole night. How about we grab some drinks first? Dancing isn't fun when you're sober, to be honest."

The mention of alcohol excited Leo. "Sure."

"I'll be right back then. Don't go anywhere without me, okay?"


Leo didn't watch Nick leave and had his eyes focused on the dance floor, where an ocean of drunk and sweaty people was growing denser by the second. The club was beginning to fill up, and soon Leo found himself encased by other bodies. If he were to raise his arms, he could hit someone. The air felt heavier and humid, and people began to push and shove past him which only made him move closer and closer to the dance floor. Leo looked around for Nick in panic, but wasn't tall enough to look over the sea of bobbing heads nodding to the beat of the music.

"You don't seem to dress to impress," a deep voice said from behind him. Leo immediately turned around to find that the source of the voice belonged to a tall and burly man with a nicely trimmed beard and casual suit.

"Not trying to," Leo shouted, for the music was too loud to be speaking at normal volume.

"You're here by yourself?"

"Unfortunately no."

The man raised an eyebrow. "Dragged here?"

"I guess you can say that."

"I figured. You don't look like a local," the man stated.

Leo tipped his head slightly to the side. "What makes you say that?"

"You don't dress the part. This club is for those of... higher status."

"I don't need to be told I'm not," Leo snapped. He was disappointed that his new Gucci shoes couldn't give away that he was somewhat wealthy now.

"I'm not trying to be rude. I can help you out, you know," the man said and stepped closer as more bodies filled the dance floor.

"I'm capable of finding a job myself, thank you."

"I never said you could make money from just a job. Just a small favour and I can reward you." With that, Leo watched in horror as the man stretched out an arm and cupped his waist suggestively, his finger tapping against the material of his hoodie.

"You could come with me, away from here where we can be alone," the man whispered huskily into Leo's ear. He shivered. His body refused to push his arm away.

"Don't touch me, you creep!" Leo exclaimed and shoved the man away once he snapped to his senses. "I'm not interested in your money."

"Wow, you're bold. Already have a daddy?" the man sneered.

"Go fuck yourself."

"How about you do the job for me?"

Leo was on the edge of punching the guy in the jaw and maybe even kicking him in the crotch but was unfortunately stopped when someone else did it before he could. Leo stepped back in surprise as the burly man was taken to the ground and punched across the face by no one other than Nick. Although Nick was noticeably smaller in frame, it appeared that he was easily pinning the creepy man down by straddling him.

Good IntentionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora