Part 8:Is that you?

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Ariana's Pov

Since i was going to be outside alot this week and my eyes are puffy red, i dyed my hair back to brown this week so fans wouldnt notice me. I got up and opened the pouch and then took a shower.I looked in the mirror, and saw i looked horrible and had puffy red eyes with bags under. Since yesterday i made the biggest/stupidest mistake. I started cutting. I decided to stop. but good news is i didnt cut alot. I wore a long sleeve so if anyone recognized me, they wouldnt freak out. I went downstairs and closed the door. I went for a walk. I came across the tree were Niall and I had our first kiss. All the memories started flooding up inside me and i imediatley broke down. My arms on my knees and my head on my hhands. I started sounding like a dying whale.


Niall's Pov

I went outside with my eyes still puffy. I decided to go by the park and sit but then i noticed this brunnete girl crying. I hate seeing people cry. And evertime i see someone cry i always ask them why even thought it isnt my buisness.

I tapped on the girls shoulder and asked," Excuse me miss are you okay?"

She looked up... O my god it was ariana... Why was her hair brown though??

Me: ari is that you?

Ari: Oh... It's you....

Me: Ari please do you forgive me?

Ari: look niall I forgive and believe you but I just want to begin again as friends.

My heart broke into a million of pieces

Me: Okay... If its what you want..." I almost whispered.

I leaned in and gave her a hug she hugged me too and I smiled. She said ow.

Me: what's wrong?

Ari: nothing she said rubbing her arm. I didn't relies she was wearing long sleeves. Wait! She never wears long sleeves.

Me: um ariana why are you wearing long sleeves? You never wear them.

Ari: no reason" she said.

She was lying.

I chuckled.

Me: um ari I know when you lie.

I lifted up her sleeve and my smile turned into an "o" and my eyes were like this: 0.o

Me: w-what did you do?

She started crying.

Ari: Niall it was a dumb mistake!

I saw all of her cuts. I started crying. I was about to say something when.....


A/N ooh cliffhanger sorry guys!

I Knew She Would Be Mine (Niall Horan/Ariana Grande Love Story) *Complete* Book1Where stories live. Discover now