Chapter 1 ( That dream )

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It all started when she woke up from that dream, where she saw herself holding a shield,  a golden one with a dragon carved on it, and standing on a ridge watching the dawn, there was a group of people behind her but she couldn't recognize their faces, all what she recalled was a blurry vision of them.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself under a huge tree in some mysterious forest, she looked around herself, trying to discover where she was, or how did she get there. After walking through for some minutes, she heard sounds behind some bushes, stopped for a moment then decided to see what were those sounds, after going close, she noticed something which looked like a top of a hat or something like that, she turned upon the bushes to find a blond man lurking behind them, the moment he saw her above his head, they both screamed in panic.

"Who..? who are you? and why are you hiding like that?!" she asked after calming down.

"I'm sorry for frightening you out Miss, I'm Yunan, and my house is near this area, it's very rare for me to see people roaming here, so I decided to see what were you doing in this place.." the blond man explained , "who are you , and how did you come here?" he asked gently. She remained silent for a moment as her blue eyes looked down at the ground with confusion..

"Actually, I remember nothing but my first name, it's Luna, all what I recall is having a strange dream, and when I woke up, I found myself here, I don't remember where did I came from.. " she said with a sad tone.

She raised up her face and continued," I don't mean to interrupt your peaceful day Sir, but at least can you show me how to get out of this forest? maybe if I got out I can find something that leads me to where I was.."

"I'm sorry again young lady, but I'm afraid you can't get out from this place easily" his voice turned serious.

"What.. what do you mean..?" She stared at him with worry.

"This whole place including the forest and my house happened to be a little far away from any urban area... so you just can't go out at the present time, I suggest you come with me to my house for now" he offered.

'I don't know if he's telling the truth or not, but there's something odd about him, a warm and shiny aura, I believe something like that couldn't be seen from a bad man, besides, it's getting dark in here and I don't have any choice but to trust his words' she told herself
"All..right" she murmured. He smiled and led her to his home..

During their walk, her mind was astounded by the beauty of that forest, it was closer to an "enchanted one", and she wondered about that man, who is he? and why does he live here anyway

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During their walk, her mind was astounded by the beauty of that forest, it was closer to an "enchanted one", and she wondered about that man, who is he? and why does he live here anyway..? she decided to ask him once they arrive at his place.

He suggested to prepare her some food when they arrived, and on the dinner table they started their conversation

"So.. Yunan-San, I was wondering why do you live here alone" she asked with a slight smile

"I knew you're going to ask me that" he chuckled, "Well, I once was a traveler, spending my time discovering different places of this world, then, after years I retired from that and decided to live here, lonely and peaceful life, increasing my ac...

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"I knew you're going to ask me that" he chuckled, "Well, I once was a traveler, spending my time discovering different places of this world, then, after years I retired from that and decided to live here, lonely and peaceful life, increasing my acknowledgment about this world with books and other methods.."

"Oh, I see, you chose a great place to settle in after all" she said with admiring looks

"Yes, I guess so" he replied with a warm smile

A few minutes passed, and both were having their dinner silently..

"Thank you so much for the meal, Yunan-San.. " she spoke after she finished, however, he noticed that she didn't eat that much..

" Are you feeling alright..? You haven't ate well.." he asked with worry.. " I'm sorry, perhaps you didn't like it, I know I'm not that good at cooking" he said with an embarrassed face, yet, he was smiling..

" No.. please, don't say that, I really liked it.." she replied with a reassuring voice, " ... the thing is... my mind is a little bit confused, I need to know how did I ended up here, and why have I lost my memories.." her blue eyes looked sad and confused..

" I'm really sorry to disturb your day, Yunan-San, but I just need your help in getting out from this place and finding we're I was before getting here.. " she asked

he silenced for a moment,then released a faint smile..
"You didn't disturb anything, have a rest for now, and tomorrow I shall figure out how to help you regain your memories.."

"I prepared a room for you, you may sleep in it, and if you needed anything, my room is beside yours," he told her softly

"Thank you" she smiled

On that night she couldn't sleep well, she kept wondering about different things, her dream, this place, and that strange man, there was something wrong, she wasn't convinced that he was just simply a traveler, that forest, this place , they weren't indigenous, she believed there was something unusual, she remembered his words.. "Have a rest for now, and tomorrow I shall figure out how to help you regain your memories.."

Why didn't he tell her that he will help her out?
How could he know that staying here with him will be a better choice for helping her?
She wondered about all of that, but at least she trusted that he wasn't a bad man, even if he was hiding something from her.

After a while, she succumbed to deep slumber and ... she saw that dream again...


A.N : Hello everyone ^^, this is my first fanfiction, actually it's a little bit crazy though, I suppose all of you now think about how will I combine three extremely different stories, and that's why I hope it could be a special and good one, I'll do my best publishing chapters daily or every two days, I'd be happy to read your comments and answer your queries, please enjoy <3

Born To Be Your Shield || Akatsuki No Yona crossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora