first meeting

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how was he supposed to react when he opened the door?

he was excited— the mere thought of meeting jeno made him drift off to another fantasy world. the boy had been a good friend, a person he could confide in with anything and still feel happy with the response. even if it was something like 'there's a lot you don't know about me', it left him to ponder over all the things he could be keeping away from the people he knew.

he also didn't want to come off as needy or clingy— jaemin was the type of person that he didn't want to be in front of jeno. although it was a bad one, acting like he didn't care was always an option.

giddiness was a common thing jaemin felt whenever he wrote a letter or got one in return. it was their little secret. the exchange of papers seemed pretty cliche, but he loved every bit of it. and besides, love stories are the best kind.

jaemin took a deep breath and opened the door a little too quickly. there stood jeno with his lean body hidden by a oversized hoodie. which was black, obviously. he appeared squirmy and nervous, jaemin didn't really know what for. he should be the one who was nervous. his all black outfit was somehow put together by his white shoes and the earring on his right ear.

a smile was tugging at his lips and before he knew it, he was foolishly grinning at jeno. that was definitely something he was against doing. now the older probably thought he was weird. wonderful.

"hi there." jeno's expression seemed enlightened after those words left his mouth.

jaemin was instantly cheerful and couldn't contain his sudden burst of emotions. he opened his arms wide and enveloped jeno in an embrace. his arms wrapped around the latter's shoulders and he was swayed away on the tips of his toes. the scent coming off of jeno was a mix of white chocolate and something more fresh, like the dewy smell outside after it rains.

the feeling crept around his waist and was then securely holding him. jeno's hands made their way around jaemin and he leaned down a little. the shorter male fit perfectly into the curve of jeno's and all that he felt was pure bliss.

"i'm glad you're here," jaemin's voice muffled out.

"me too, jaemin."

his voice was oddly comforting. it was velvety and smooth, reminding jaemin of his favourite ice cream. it had the slightest rasp to it which pieced it all together beautifully.

their hug lasted a few seconds longer before the two let go of each other. jaemin tugged on the corner of his sleeve and motioned for him to come inside. jeno took a step in and took his shoes off. he picked up the letter from the ground and shut the door. jaemin walked ahead and jeno followed behind, seeing that his dorm was basically the same as his own, but everything was flipped to the opposite side.

"oh wow. you make my dorm look like trash." the room was so clean, not a spick of dust was laying around. there was a sofa sitting to his right with cushions on display and a flat screen tv to his left. a glass coffee table was in between and there was some fancy looking decor in the middle. everything appeared so classy, jeno wasn't sure if he was in a dorm, or in a million dollar apartment. "how rich are you?"

jaemin went ahead and flopped onto the couch. "firstly, yours can't be that bad. also i'm not that rich, i just happen to have some extra money."

"that's called being rich," jeno laughed. he sat down at the other end of the sofa and grabbed a cushion from behind him. it was black with fur and it immediately reminded jeno of his cat's back at home. he hugged it and peered at jaemin. his new peachy hair really suited him. he trailed where jaemin was gazing and saw two little succulents sitting on the small windowsill. "hey, jaemin."

the younger turned around and sat cross legged. "yeah?"

"how did you manage to get my address? i mean, last time i checked only a few people knew it."

his lips were shut in a thin line, as if he was attempting to conceal his smile. "do i have to tell you?"

"yes! now say it." jeno couldn't stop himself anymore and smiled bright. there was something about jaemin that left him out of control with his feelings.

his eyes turned wide and he grinned brightly. "you smiled! i've been blessed to see this happen. oh my goodness gracious, please do that more often."

jeno covered his mouth with his hand and shook his head eagerly. he took his hand off and had the same face as before; not too happy, but not too serious. an absolute poker face. "don't get sidetracked. tell me how."

"i've been talking to mark lately," jaemin shrugged. "he brought you up and i was intrigued."

jeno huffed. "there's nothing intriguing about me."

"whatever floats your boat. there are girls falling at your feet everywhere you go," jaemin pointed out teasingly.

jeno ran his hands across the fluffy cushion. "never said i liked it."

jaemin turned around and fell over so he was laying down. his legs were dangling over the armrest and jeno watched on amused. "never said you do."

silence lingered about in the air. a nice one. a comforting one. "do you like our exchange of letters?"

jeno unknowingly smiled. at least jaemin couldn't see his face. "yeah. i do."

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