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All credit goes Julie Plec and to other producers. All original characters and other details are original.

Ylva's ex-husband was still in shock when Elijah came into the room to greet her. Niklaus was facing the wall completely ignoring her since she had told him about Eirik.

"I believe you told me you would never come back to the states?" The eldest Mikaelson sits next to his ex-sister-in-law on the couch. His arm was around her shoulders and he had her embraced in a comforting side hug.

"I wasn't going to but something brought me back." Ylva stood up to face Elijah and nodded to his brooding brother. "A couple of months ago, I met up with an old friend because I wanted to do an experiment." She stopped to take a breath to collect her thoughts but couldn't continue because of Nik's remark.

"And now we're scientists?" She ignores him and continues, "A friend, who was a human had lost her sister and asked a witch to communicate with her deceased sister. Which she did by the way. And then I thought what if I could do that too? After a thousand years of dwelling on the past and just now only being able to think of something so simple like this is truly so stupid.  I mean a thousand years! He was only two months old then—but I believed it could still work—"

"The supernatural veil was destroyed. Eirik would have been there because he was a werewolf and a warlock." Elijah states looking at his best friend, his eyes not wanting to give hope only for her to be ruined again.

He then looks at his brother, who was now turned around because of what Elijah said, pouring himself another drink.

"Yes, I know but he wasn't a werewolf because he never triggered his curse." Elijah now intrigued, motions for her to continue. "And Esther helped me by controlling his warlock side by making him human only with a bracelet on at all times. The torc, remember? It absorbed all of his magic."

"Great so not only did mother suppress my curse, but also of my child's!"

"She did it because she was scared. I didn't know why. But considering what Elijah told me about Dahlia a few nights ago, that could have probably been why. I found out about it when my friend saw it. So actually Nik, we were very lucky to have had your mother help us."

The two brothers looked at each other for the longest time in months since the feud between them began. "Trading secrets now are we Elijah?"

"Brother, just because you stopped taking to her because of your ego, did not mean I had to as well."

Ylva sighed annoyed as hell with the Mikaelsons right now.

"He was basically human so I asked my friend to do the spell for me. She looked for him and couldn't find him anywhere. Meaning no soul, not dead, I think? I don't really know anymore.

"If anything, I did contact my mother which was hilarious by the way. She was nagging at me because she had seen, well is seeing, everything you people have done. Telling me I should have never been involved with you guys, giving me shit."

"Anyway, when she did the spell, she got this vision of a teenage boy—"

"You really expect us to believe this based on what your little friend told you? How do you know she didn't give you false hope—" Niklaus was cut off by Ylva yelling, "Because she wouldn't! I've known her for a decade! I'm not blindly following this either Niklaus which is why I came here to talk to your sister, Freya."

Elijah stands up and snarly says, "Well, I believe that. I mean, her mother always did blame you for everything," Ylva shifts in her position, thinking why Elijah had acted like that. "It's late, you're going to have to meet Freya tomorrow instead. Ylva be careful if you wish to stay here, the owner seems to have a tendency to kill the ones we love. Excuse me."

"Nik, what the hell did you do to have him behaving sassy like that?"

"I did exactly what he said I did." Ylva shook her head at him as he walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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