Chapter 1: The French Court

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*2 days after the Folk Festival.*

Adeena's, POV:

Ever since Tyrion burst through the gates with his warning everyone in the castle has been on edge. My father especially. As the king of France its expected of him to keep us all safe. I wonder what we're in danger of, France has no enemies or at least that's what I thought. My father has done so much to secure the peace. So many thoughts have been running through my mind and keeping me up at night, first my dream and now Tyrion's warning. Poor Tyrion hasn't woken up since he collapsed in the dining hall, regarding his condition, the physician hasn't left his side.

I sit here on the bench outside the castle chaple while I wait for my father. The familiar sound of my father's heavy footsteps on the stone path brings me back to reality as I temporarily say goodbye to all of my thoughts. My father greets me with a sweet "Good morning Shaye" and offers me single white rose.

I sweetly smile up at the man who I admire, "Thank you father

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I sweetly smile up at the man who I admire, "Thank you father." was all I managed to say. I couldn't help but feel as though something was wrong.
"I saw this rose and it made me think of you. The only one of its kind in a bouquet of flowers," my father said proudly handing me the flower.

I grabbed my father's arm as we walked all through the royal garden, stealing a moment of glee, while everyone else was troubled. I couldn't help but feel selfish for not being anxious in this moment.

Walking through the garden my father and I knew all too well, I twirled the rose in my fingers and built up the courage to ask the question that has been a weight on my chest for so long. "Father, what will we do about Tyrion, and his warning? " I knew my father didn't like discussing matters of the court with me, but this time it felt different. Like I needed to know what was going on.

My father shocked me by awnsering my question. "As you probably already know, Tyrion hasn't woken up in nearly 3 days. The physician said that the cause of he's collapse could have been a fever. He was running in the wood during a storm.... Although his warning does concern me, and I know he would never falsely cause worry amongst France, I can't do anything unless we know what's a threat to us. If there is a threat at all. "

"But Father, what is Tyrion never wakes up? What is we find out what our threat is too late? We should send troops to scout the area and ensure the safety of France."

My father beamed with pride as he said, "Shaye you're determined, accurate, ambitious, independent, strong, wise and everything a queen is meant to be. Your quick thinking and the way you care for not only your country but your people proved it." I stood there baffled. I could not believe that someone said that to me, especially since that someone was the king.... As a princess I am not allowed to be any of those things. I'm expected to marry a man of high status who has all of those qualities. I'm supposed to bare children, not be ambitious. What has gotten into this old man's head. I have a duty as a princess, and I've made peace with it. As I rambled on and on in my head my father looked at me with an odd expression. I stood still, giving all of my attention to him.

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