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Alex has been really good to me always and I have fallen for him these past days. I just want to hold him in my arms forever. Today me and Alex are going to pick up all the kids so that they can me each other and I can meet Alex's kids and so I can meet Alex's kids. We are both super nervous.

"Munchkin you ready?" He said looking at me.

"Yeah I'm just really nervous because my kids like to ask questions and their questions get really deep and I have warned them about that but they are like their dad they just ask questions all the time." I said worried.

"Well my kids are really nosy so they are going to ask you plenty of questions as well baby." He said smiling

"Well at least they have that in common." I said giggling.

"You read baby?" He said

"Yeah let's go"I said calming down

We were in the car and Alex noticed me shaking.

"Baby calm down it's fine" he said calming me down and rubbing his knuckles on my face.

"Ok I'm just a little nervous that's all" I said and leaning over and kissed him on his lips.

"Hmmm maybe we can make a baby later on." He said smirking

"Ew! Total perv! Let's go now" I said laughing

"Ok but can we later I really need you" He said giving me a doggy face.

"I'll see maybe if you give me what I want"I said teasing him.

"Ok now your teasing me, we gotta go" He said giggling

"I said that a long time ago" I said smiling.

- moments later we pulled up to Alex's ex wife's house and I see Alex's kids running out side and they are so big and beautiful.

"Ella, Tashi say hello to Jennifer." He said

"Hi Jennifer it's nice to meet you" Tashi said.

"Hi guys. You two are so beautiful" I said to them and they formed smiles on their faces.

"So guys lets go somewhere else and you will love it." He said smiling at me.

We all got in the car and headed to my moms house to pick up Emme and Max.

~5 minutes later

We arrived at my moms and we all went inside my moms house and my babies ran into my arms and I leaned down and kissed them on their lips.

"Hi cocos. How are you?"

"Good mommy" emme said

"Who's these people ma" Max said frowning

"Max be nice and this is Ella and this is tashi. And this right here." I said giggling because Alex was behind me rubbing his cock on my ass being nasty in front of the kids.

"Alex stop" I said turning around whispering.

"Hey mr what are you doing to my mom" Max said

"Max baby I'm fine" I said laughing

"Sorry Max I'm Alex" I said softly

"Nice to meet you Alex, so mommy is this your boyfriend" Emme asked giggling

All of the kids giggled and started mouthing to each other.

"Okay guys listen I don't know the relationship between me and Alex so ask him" I said nervously to see what he will say.

"Yeah guys Jennifer is my girlfriend and we are happy and Ella don't ask what I know you are about to." Alex said but I didn't know what he was talking about.

"So have you two had sex yet" Ella said proudly.

I looked at Alex

"Jen don't pay Ella any attention she asked every girl that she sees the same question." Alex said to me

"Ok. Shall we all go now" Alex said as all the kids stared at me and Alex.

"So did you?" Tashi said.

"Did you mommy? Emme and Max said at the same time.

"Yes" I answered closing my eyes nervously.

"Omg mommy so he was in your room the whole time when I went in there and you had sex with him"Emme said.

"Emme watch your mouth and how do know what sex even is." I said as my lip was shaking

"Mom I'm 11 years old and I go to school and we have classes and if you even remember I'm in the 6th grade ma."

"Emme Maribel you never talk to me like this." I said tearing up. Emme started laughing

"Mami I'm just kidding I love you, please don't cry. We were all in on it. I've already seen Alex, I seen him in your room and he was half naked so it's ok and I will never talk to you like that but admit that I got you ma.

"Omg lulu I thought you were serious don't do that and yes you all got me pretty good including Ella and I can't believe I actually told you guys that me and your father had sex already because my children know that I don't do that normally. And Emme we have to talk about what you know as a matter of fact I'm going to talk to all of you about it and Alex you can talk to max and I'll just talk to the girls." I said smiling and pointing to them each.

"Ok dad I really, really, really like her and I think I might start calling her mom already." Tashi said

"Umm no were going to have to take this step by step." Max said

"Ok I'm fine with that" Ella and Tashi said both.

"Let's go guys" Alex said while I hit him in the chest because he was in on the prank and then kissed him.

"Eww ma please stop" emme said.

"Ok enough with you. Let's go."


I hope you guys are enjoying this long chapter and comment and tell me do you like short or long chapters better!♥️ and please vote.

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