Not Nearly As Fun When You Don't Play Along

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"You know you can't, right?"

I whispered gently. I watched as her face slowly became defensive.

"I know."

She huffed, her tone sharp.

"I'm evil and he's... Not."

The way she spoke was different this time. Less mad, more... condescending. And the way she said evil was like it was an insult and not a badge of honor like she normally would. I tried not to lose my temper.

"It's not that."

I shook my head.

"Once you steal that wand, once you go through with this? There's no coming back from that Mal. You'll destroy his world. I know he's 'Prince Ben The Perfect", but I don't think even a prince has a heart big enough to forgive something like that."

She nodded and sighed.

"You're right. You're always right."

I heard her voice crack as she frowned.

"I miss you so much."

I tried to fight it, to bite back the tears in my eyes, but despite my best efforts, a few tears still managed to slip down my cheeks.

"So, what's new?"

I asked, desperate to change the conversation.

"Not much."

She shrugged.

"I've made a killing, selling hair spells to the girls at school."

I nodded, practically begging for more.

"Evie's found a new boy."

I nodded and shrugged.

"Her prince turned out to be not so charming?"

She nodded.

"Of course."

We laughed for a minute, and suddenly, everything felt okay again.

"Carlos misses you."

I pouted and placed a hand over my heart.

"I miss him so much."

A sad, pitying look crossed her face before she continued.

"Jay found a new girl."

Her eyes lit up suddenly.

"No way!"

I gushed. She nodded.

"Totally. Her name's Tyler. She's the daughter of that Mad Hatter guy we always hear the Red Queen mumble about. She's really cute actually. She's got black hair, these intense green eyes, and oh... You're gonna love this part. She always wears this crazy hat. It's like a small top hat, and it's covered in these sparkly things and a blue ribbon. I swear Elda, you would love her."

I frowned as she went on and on about her life at school and the art class that Ben signed her up for. It had never been clearer to me, that this was not my best friend anymore. I didn't know this girl in front of me. This happy, content girl with princesses as friends, a secret crush, and a fancy art class in a magical castle. Desperate to move the topic back onto something I could actually weigh in on, I did the unthinkable. In one swift move, I walked out of my shadows, feeling the moonlight glow, as I took the hood off of my head, and turned to my best friend who had suddenly gone quiet.


She whispered, her eyes a mix of anger, hurt, and worry.

"Who did that to you!?"

Please Don't Leave | Disney Descendants *FINISHED*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant