The Dangers Women

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TV : It has been brought to our attention that there is an assassin in town! Lock your doors and windows and stay inside your homes until we say its ok to come out!

Badgerclops : Umm Mao Mao... Come see this!

Mao Mao : This is perfect! This is a very important mission!

Badgerclops : Dude! Did you even hear the TV!? There is a dangerous assassin on the loose!

Adorabat : I'm scared... *shakes*

Badgerclops : It'll be okay Adorabat.

Mao Mao : Fine you two stay here I'm gonna go check it out.

*Mao Mao opens the front door and sees a dark figure ontop of a building*


*There's complete silence and all the citizens are looking through there windows*

*The assassin comes out to show herself*

Mao Mao : *Drops his sword and tears up* Mew Mew?

Mew Mew : Did you miss me? *scowls*

Mao Mao : Yes I did *frowns and knocks her to the ground and holds his sword to her face*

Mew Mew : Awww how cute you still have feelings for me after all this time?

Mao Mao : That was a long time ago Mew Mew times have changed!

Mew Mew : And so have I *growls and kicks him in the face* I'll be back Mao Mao! *evil laughs and jumps on her motorcycle and escapes*

Mao Mao : *Goes back to the house*

Badgerclops : Dude who was that?

Mao Mao : Its a long story...

Adorabat : Oooo story time! *sits on the floor*

Mao Mao : Sorry Adorebat... Its not a story for small children...

Adorabat : I'm not a small children! Tell the story Mao Mao! *smiles with excitement*

Mao Mao : *Sigh* Alright...

Mew Mew Killer of pure heartsWhere stories live. Discover now