“Don’t. Go away.” He whispered in fear and covered his ears as if he could the words being thrown at told at him again. It was as if his own father really was before him again and would pull his hair any minute now.

“Go kill yourself.”

His eyes widened and he let out a scream.

In just few seconds, his mother broke open his room’s door. She was panting and her eyes portrayed shock and anxiety. She looked like a person who was truly afraid to lose him. He felt so special with the way she treated him. He felt like, somehow, he still had a worth with the way she sprinted off to his room right after he screamed.

“T-Tetsu? What happened?”

He covered himself with his thick, white blanket as he shivered, shuddered and trembled in fear. He couldn’t even look at his own mother’s face for he might just slap her hand away. “I-It’s nothing.”

She exhaled and sat beside him. She gave a minute of silence before persuading the matter at hand by gently pulling away the thick cloth separating the two of them. “Tetsu, talk to me. Please, son.”

Hearing the word: son out of her mouth with so much gentleness and tenderness—his heart somehow cracked. He blinked and slowly poked his head out. “M-Mom?”

She smiled warmly at him before reaching for his cheeks.  “Mom’s here and she won’t leave you alone again. She’s here to listen to her precious son’s words, complaints and cries, so let them out.”

He stared at her before murmuring, “I…His words always echo in my head. It was as if he was already mentally haunting me. I can still feel the pain of his slaps, of his smacks, of his throws, of the way he whipped a belt at me, of the way he would, sometimes, pull my hair, and of the way he was not a bit hesitant to kill me anytime.”

Seeing hot tears slowly trickling down her son’s face, her heart started to crack and in an instant, it shattered into pieces. “Oh, my dearest Tetsu…” She sobbed and tried to hug him when he pushed her hands away and backed away.

“N-No…” He mumbled and covered his face with the blanket. “Don’t come near me.”

She leaned closer, though. “Tetsu—“

“No! Go away.” He snapped, which quieted them both. Sensing the suddenly awkward atmosphere that he developed in the room, he gulped. “I’m sorry. It’s just I feel like any hand that would touch me right now would want to kill me or hurt me.”

She frowned and sadly stared at him. “What is your thoughts about being touched, Tetsu?”


“Like…what if I hold your hand tightly?”

“Don’t.” He immediately replied and covered his mouth in surprise. “I…I’m sorry.”

“But you let me touch your cheeks earlier?”

“That’s because I haven’t fully seen your face yet. I, somehow, started to tremble once I see someone’s face and that someone suddenly touches me.” He explained and clutched his pajamas tightly in a fist clenched.

“What about touching…hm, my hand?”

He blinked and slowly extended his arm but when his hand was already an inch away from one of hers—his heart beat quickened and he quickly hid under his blanket again. “W-What’s happening…?”

“Your dad had beaten you up so much, cursed at you so much that your body remembers them all even with him gone. Hm, I actually think his disappearance triggered this more since that also means he might suddenly appear again, which your body fears.”

Myself From Once Upon A Time [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now