Adeena woke up panting, covered in sweat causing her hair to stick to her forehead. She layed there still... Unable to interpret what had just happened in her dream..


Shaye, it's time for the feast, we can't keep our guests waiting. " Solon Asgaud called for his daughter to join him. "I'll be there soon father." Adeena stated as she allowed her mousy brown hair to fall into its natural shape and got dressed in a blush pink gown.

She always wondered why her father called her Shaye and not Adeena. She decided that she would ask him on their regular morning walk the next day. She already knew that her father would be busy all evening due to the folk festival that is taking place.

Her gown

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Her gown

As she took a long stride out of her bedroom she noticed that the sun had already began to sink. She walked down the long corridor of the French court towards the dining hall. She was used to the stares people gave her, even though she didn't always understand why, she knew that she was considered traditionally pretty, but she never thought she'd have the type of beauty that men lusted for and women envyed.

As she entered the room the royal entry announced her arrival. "Princess Adeena Asgaud, first of her name. Daughter of King Solon Asgaud and Queen Sayla Asgaud." She swiftly but gracefully made her way to the long table at the end of the hall as people admired her beauty in awe and she sat next to her father who gently squeezed her hand in assurance. King Solon knew that she was not always comfortable in huge gatherings. She would have rather been outside in the wood with her horse Trapper.


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She sat there in comfortable silence eating her supper and enjoyed the company of those around her. While the festivities all around her brought this day to an even better ending.

Meanwhile on the coastlines of Frankia

(okay so in this story I was contemplating wherether or not to make ivar a cripple. I wanted to keep to the original but I have so many ideas of what I could do if he wasn't.)

All five Ragnarsons were seated at a table, with Bjron and Ivar at the heads of the table.

"HOW ON EARTH COULD YOU ALLOW THAT FOOL OUT OF YOUR SIGHT!!!" Ivar boomed to his older brother Hvitserk. "I saw a pretty slave, and well... I got distracted," he replied with a chuckle. "You saw a pretty slave huh? WAS THAT AN EXCUSE TO ALLOW OUR PRISIONER OUT OF SIGHT!" Ivar said with a scowl on his face.

"Brother you do realise that our plan could be ruined if the imp gets to Frankia." Bjorn stated bringing attention to what was at stake.

All four of the younger ragnar sons began to argue over who's fault is was and who would have to go after the Imp. Bjorn being the responsible one, slammed his hands on the table to grab everyone's attention. "Now, we can sit here and argue like little children or we can settle this as men and come up with a reasonable solution," he said eyeing Ivar. "We should send troops to hunt him down, and make sure he doesn't get to Frankia. He couldn't have traveled far." Brjon said then stormed off to collect his sword. He mounted his horse and ushered for his brothers to do the same. They all rode of into the night hunting down the Imp.

Back in France:

Laugher and music filled the walls of the castle as everyone celebrated the Folk Festival. It was soon replaced by the loud thunder heard outside. Everyone yelped in fright when the castle doors swag open to reveal Tyrion Lanister, drenched in rain.

"We're in danger my king, " was all he said before he collapsed onto the floor

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