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after a few minutes of light paced walking and half-breakdancing down the path - she made sure no one was watching - kang seulbi reached her intended destination: the park!

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after a few minutes of light paced walking and half-breakdancing down the path - she made sure no one was watching - kang seulbi reached her intended destination: the park!

the park holds quite a large portion of the fond memories locked in her heart. happiness, excitement, love, she's mainly felt those addictive emotions here, although it's been such a long time that it simply feels like a dream.

hell yeahhh! she exclaimed internally as she masked her extreme excitement with a blank face. observing her surroundings with a satisfied hum, she then began moving for the little bench that parents were supposed to sit in to supervise their kids.

scanning the playground and facilities available for all park-goers, seulbi's eyes stopped at the swings. it may be considered childish, but the girl claims to still have a very strong connection with the iconic dynamic playground structure.

she plopped herself on the bench, not really caring about the way she sat ungracefully or messily. with her face still keeping an emotionless expression, she watched as the tiny toddlers and kids played together on the playground.

a trace of a bitter smile could be observed on her face, as she reminisced the innocent inclusion that the young children mindlessly displayed. no worries about financial status, school cliques, or clothing choices. just pure and ignorant fun.

the chances of anyone her age still carrying that mindset are incredibly low, and seulbi knows that full well. she knows it just as well as she knows the rumors blasting around the school that she's a 'snobby rich kid' who doesn't speak to anyone because she thinks she's above them all. she sighed.

is it really her fault that she's socially awkward and anxious? apologies for being unable to say anything when presented with a casual conversation... pushing the thought aside, she continued to observe the people littered across the park.

families, children, couples, and friends, all scattered throughout the facilities. happy faces, light laughter, and loving smiles, all things that are unable to be seen within the confines of her own home.

maybe felix was right just this once. it was pretty nice to go outside.

suddenly remembering an essential to taking walks and going to tbe park alone, she dug through her coat pocket's contents. searching frantically, she finally pulled out a tangled mess of earphones.

sighing in light frustration, she gently began pulling the multitude of knots apart. the process took a few minutes, but the finished product was worth it.

she plugged her earbuds into her phone, plopping them in her ears after. scrolling through spotify, she clicked shuffle play on her mega ultra super big playlist with 1000+ songs.

the sound of huijun's smooth voice filtered through her ears, as 'beautiful' by mcnd began playing. [a/n: my fav song 😭😭💓] maybe if their voices were loud enough, they'd eventually be there in front of her.

that was a theory she liked to believe in, despite the mass amount of times it was disproven through logic and experiment. she liked to cling onto the fantasy that it would eventually work someday.

seulbi had to admit, that similar to the song name, the park and views displayed there were in fact, quite beautiful. chuckling at her own cheesiness, she resumed bopping her head to the chorus beats.

the song continued as seulbi sat there on the bench staring at people.

no, not like that, contrary to popular belief she is in fact NOT a stalker. seulbi just... likes watching social interactions. it's hard for her to engage in social activities, so instead she just watches them.

not like she's can't because of a health problem or because of her parents, she just can't say the words she wants to say when she's put in that sort of situation.

she can think of really good comebacks and things to say in her head, but when it comes to executing those ideas it doesn't really work well. with a closed up throat and her heart beating at a deafening rate, how can you expect her to say anything?

as minutes passed, and seulbi contued to sit alone on a bench in the park, a few people began giving her strange looks. i mean, it's understandable to seulbi, who's used to that sort of thing.

it's not like you see a girl her age sitting like a loser alone at the park everyday. most people probably expected her to at least be waiting for someone, be it a friend, family, or lover. not to mention it was a saturday?

eighteen year old girls should be... you know squealing and laughing with friends? and not sitting alone, isolated from everyone else at a park?

but it's not that simple for the girl sitting alone, isolated from everyone else at the park. no, it really isn't.

 no, it really isn't

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