|• Fantasy Winner

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Oreo: What's the inspiration behind your book?

Blue: My favorite anime, One Piece. I've always been fascinated by pirates and during one of the episodes I had an idea for a story, and it branches off from there.


Oreo: How did you come up with that title?

Blue: Well the full title is A Captain's Pride, and it actually... has nothing to do with the plot. When I first had the idea for the story it was very different than it is now, so different that it's barely recognizable. My main character is the same, as is the world and the fact that its about pirates. Right now I'm working on coming up with a better title that fits the story more. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!


Oreo: Describe your writing space.

Blue: My special seat in my room. Plenty of snacks. (Preferably ones without wrappers because then I'd have to walk to the trash. If I had telekinesis I wouldn't) Dead silent. Lights off. No, I'm not doing a satanic ritual.


Oreo: What is the key theme and message behind your book?

Blue: From what I've planned, it's to not judge people based on appearances or their family. Judge them based on factors they can control.


Oreo: Why did you start writing?

Blue: It all started with my carsickness. An awful thing, really, not being able to read in the car. My family travels around California, my home state. Not being able to read anything and my parents' restrictions of mobile gaming led me to pass the time by making up stories as I looked out the window for hours on end. Then, one day I began to tell my mom about some of my stories but she didn't really understand, it was so hard to tell her what was going on in my head. So she told me to write them down for her, and the rest is history...

 So she told me to write them down for her, and the rest is history

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Oreo: How did you find out about the Awards?

Blue: Scrolling through my recommendations and it popped up, decided it'd be worth the shot!


Oreo: How did you feel when you first saw that you won?

Blue: This morning I had to be up early for school picture day and was grumbling and cursing about it, mad at the world for the fact I was up an astonishing 30 minutes early. I decided to check my Wattpad and I saw my username was mentioned, then I scrolled down and boom I won! I was really happy and my anger about waking up early was gone, it really made my week!


Oreo: If you had to describe the Main Character in 3 words, what would they be?

Blue: My main character Crimson: thoughtful/quick (intelligent, thinks fast on his feet) / kinda weak tbh but won't really get much stronger. He's more mentally focused than physically.


Oreo: Did you learn something while writing the book?

Blue: I learned that as much as I love writing in the first person, I should have gone with 3rd or at least experimented with it before fully commuting to the first person. It felt pretty restrictive, especially at the point, I am now with writing it. I want to tell from other characters point of views but I'm stuck in Crimsons. It's not all bad though. I've gotten to know him better and become better at writing him.


Oreo: What was the most challenging factor for you while writing this book?

Blue: Time. Highschool is awful when it comes to giving me free time. I started Pride over the summer so that helped, but now that I'm in the grind of things and AP classes are ramping up I found that having time to put my ideas into words is scarce, and it has gotten to be incredibly frustrating.

Thank you BlueStreamJett for accepting to do this interview and congrats

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Thank you BlueStreamJett for accepting to do this interview and congrats.



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