Ch.4 Camping With The Team. What Could Go Wrong?

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Ch. 4 Mar. 15 12:00pm

It's been a week-ish since me and Cam last talked, my nerves are all jumbled up worrying for him. Not to mention I told the team yesterday I knew the perfect place to do this 'team building exercise' AKA camping. Which wouldn't be as bad if not for my company.

Over the week the team have become less wary of me. Though most of them continue to attempt a friendship, sadly. Superboy has quickly become one of my favorite members, while I still know nothing of the young Martian. What I do know is based on observation and the absorption of emotions. The kid's been through a lot.

Ms. Martian is still nervous, but she keeps her telepathy to herself. Artemis continues to be suspicious making it abundantly clear when she digs for information. Kid Flash or Wally as he told me four days in has been friendly but slightly annoying.

Then there's Robin. For the life of me I can not figure him out. One minute he's trying to be my best friend the next he's digging for information. I am once again ready to defenestrate him. (Defenestrate means to throw out a window. This word will be important in the future.)

Arriving at the hanger in Mt. Justice everyone is already packed and waiting. IAmSpeed and Arrowgirl are in casual wear, sharing saliva in the back of the room. While Supey and Double M converse sending worried glances to the zoned-out Garfield all three in their usual clothes. Birdy and Waterboy are also conversing in hushed serious voices. Birdy in casual clothes the added mask to protect his ID, contrasting to Aqualad whom stayed in his suit. Since I remain unnoticed, I meander over to where Garfield still sits dead to the world.

"You gonna' tag along kid?" My question startles him out of his stupor. He nods unsurely I assume he has gone temporarily mute by choice of course.

"Cool, ya happen ta know ASL it's kinda hard ta communicate wit' jus' head bobs?" A relaxed smile stays on my face to help with his... whateverness. Another nod only a tiny bit more enthusiastic. My grin widens as I pull down my bandana so it's easier to understand me signing animatedly.

'Where'd you learn?' Garf's bright demeanor changes to sad then leans more towards bittersweet.

'My mom taught me when I was little.' His hands move flawlessly executing each sign with a bit of an accent. By now we have gathered the team's attention some watch on with confusion such as Auqalad, Speedy Gonzalez, and Artemis. While Birdboy, Ms. M, and Supey seem to understand. An intake of breath was barely heard.

'That's pretty cool! She musta' been a pretty epic woman.' I make a kind understanding grin. From the tone of his voice and the grieving emotions that flood off him in waves I assume Garf lost her recently.

'Yeah she was.' Again, a look much to old for his face appears. Ruffling his hair, I swiftly sign that we should get going if we want to make it to the camp site. He nods heart a little less heavy.

"What just happened?" Wally points between me and Garf face scrunched up in confusion.

A genuine chuckle escapes my lips eyes sparkling with mirth, "Team building." Striding up to the Bioship I glance over my shoulder. "Ya'll comin'?" They scramble to catch up.

"Miss Martian I'll transfer my directions telepathically." Were all settled in supplies in the hold while Miss M flies. I transfer the directions to a clearing not far from the campsite.

"It'll take 'bout three hours ta' get there so ya' might wanna take a nap or something." I smirk, "Cause we'll be up aaaall night." Chuckles mix with groan of despair.

An hour in and I strike up a 'conversation' with Miss. M.

"Does Garfield 'ave any trigga's or anything tha' could possibly be one?"

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