Ch. 2 I Should've Stayed In Bed

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Ch. 2 Mar 7

I want to go back to sleep. Why did I agree to this again? Oh yeah cause I can't kill Boy Wonder or Papa Bat unless I want the ENTIRE FUCKING JUSTICE LEAGUE up my ASS! Arriving at the old phone booth Robin is already there.

"Okay just a few ground rules before we start." Robin's words cause a violent roll of my eyes, "Be nice-ish at least, don't mess with Gar aka the small green one, and for the love of god don't kill anyone."

"I ain't that bad y'know." Seriously its like he thinks I'm some villain.

Little Bird smirks cheekily, "Just laying down some rules to make sure."

"Let's just git this ova' wit'." I step into the phone booth which is actually a hero Zeta Tube.

"Robin B01, authorization Avenger." The monotone computer's voice greets us as we step through. As well as a few 'new' faces. Artemis, Kid Flash (AKA Wally West), Aqualad (AKA Kaldur'aam), Miss. Martian (AKA M'gann/Megan), Superboy (AKA Conner Kent), and a younger Martian-eske kid who I assume to be Gar, linger around the large, daunting room. All of them are in 'costume' except the kid and Supey.

"Hi! I'm M'gann but you can call me Megan if you want!" The bubbly Martian is quick to greet me with way too much enthusiasm. The others are a bit more cautious no doubt knowing who I am. I nod my head curtly as a response causing M'gann's excitement to dim a bit.

"I know as well as I know Speedy Gonzalez, Supey ova' there, Waterboy, Artemis, an' Batboy." My eyes land on each of them as I speak smirking under my bandana as they stiffen. Chuckling out of my own amusement as well as to unnerve them I continue, "Y'all did a number on the Light and Cadmus. Gotta say that's about the only reason I don't automatically hate ya."

The atmosphere of the room becomes more awkward I'm sure If my eyes weren't hidden by sunglasses they'd be sparkling with laughter. Shaking his head Robin decides that introductions would be best.

"This is Avenger the new member-"

"Temporary member, "Robin tenses irritated as I cut him off "I'm only here ta git Birdbrain an' Motha' Bat off ma' ass so I can go on about ma' business. I ain't here ta make friends."

"Well you came just in time." The caramel smooth voice came from a hallway causing us to turn our heads. A blonde woman wearing a black suit and choker being the source of such a, quite frankly, sultry sound. Making her way towards me she waits arm outstretched to shake hands in greeting, "Black Canary who are you?"

My arms stay firmly crossed over my middle, "They're callin' me 'Avenger' I don' like tha' title all too much but what can ya do. In time fo' training I assume."

"Yes, and since you are new, I'd like you to spar with the team to see what I'm working with."

"I've been itchin' ta fight someone more than a lowlife." I smirk shrugging off my jacket to reveal the sports tank underneath, and the deadly wings tucked tightly to my spine, "Who'm I up against?" The sunglasses come off, but I close my eyes using tech in the floor to gage my surroundings.

"Hmm... Let's start with Superboy. You might want to open your eyes."

I make my way to the training area eyes open like requested. A few quiet gasps occur while the team's jaws slack.

"Powers, weapons?"

"Let's start with neither." She has no idea how much hurt she just saved Supey.

"Sooo.... Fair fight or fightin dirty?" I could flatten him in seconds if she says dirty.

"Make it clean." I pout at her words so much for that fun.

"Okay ready?" Always Canary, "Go!"

Supey puts his hands up in a defensive position beginning to circle. Catlike eyes follow his every move my fists curled halfway tucked close to my face. Supey charges. My mouth stretches into a predatory smirk. His fists fly out just barely overextending from what you should. I move to dodge only to spot out the corner of my eye a foot shift. He's gonna swipe a leg under me. Smart move. Folding myself backwards my hands touch the floor just as my legs curl. Making me a ball before landing one leg extended to the side.

He over-extends his punches. I quickly roll behind him aiming to sweep my leg under his feet. Realizing this he tumbles to the floor. This continues for a few seconds until I see a pattern. Punch, punch, kick, false punch, sweeping leg. Swiftly blocking his jabs, I lean to the side slightly twisting to grab his arm. Flipping him over me onto the floor.

"Fail Superboy." The computer states the obvious. I reach out a hand helping the stunned Supey onto his feet.

"Tha' was fun! Who's next?" My enthusiastic behavior is met with shocked eyes of all but Canary and Birdbrain.

"How 'bout ya birdbrain?" An evil look enters my eye, "'nless you're too scared I'll win?" Robin's domino mask eyes narrow he cracks his knuckles.

"You wish."

Moving to the sparing area I nod to Canary, "On yer mark."

She hesitates, "Ready?" We nod focused only on each other, "Fight."

Immediately Robin darts forward aiming to sweep my legs. I leap over him front flipping just as he crouches. Like lightning he whips around parrying the punch aimed at his head. His foot comes up in a back kick. Which I duck under sweeping my own leg to knock him down. It fails. He backflips out of range then reaches into his belt smirking.

I fall into a backbend quickly pushing off my hands to perform a barrel roll in air as he launches the Bird-a-rangs causing me to cock an eyebrow. My wings unfold a bit circling me the tips aimed at Robin my knife-like feathers go flying towards him. He performs a move almost like mine adding a charge at the end. His fists fly at my face me parrying all of them and sending my own towards his torso.

Finally, he lands a strike to my side. Wincing I take his moment of weakness. I dip low faking a sweep before elbowing him midair. He lands with a thud on his back. A brush on my mind brings my attention back to where I am. Darting forward I crouch over Robin pinning him with my razor feathers to his neck.

Canary moves to step forward until my threatening glare is sent her way. My eyes must be dilated more than normal, pupils wide. I focus on each of the team members sending a push back to the one invading my mind. The Martian winces my upper lip curling into a snarl.

Stay the fuck out o' my head telepath. Sneering towards said person I send out my mental message. If I find ya meddling around in my mind, I will personally boil ya alive. Her posture tenses eyes wide in fright. My point made I close the mental borders. Rising from my crouched position I stalk to the Zeta-tubes.

"Send me home Boy Wonder. Now!" Snarling animalistically towards Robin he nods hand rubbing at where my wings had touched his throat.

"Trainings not over." Canary's words are met by a scoff from me.

"It is for me." The Zeta-beam opens my figure disappearing into the white vortex. Fuck this I shoulda just stayed in bed.

Second Chapter!! I'll probably only update on weekends.

~K-girl out

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