The Beginning

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BT21 finishes off a concert in Sooga Village. Their performance looked like they put on a festival. Their cotton, sweat, and tears has shown through each performance.
"Thank you BT21MYS for cheering us on!!" Koya exclaimed.
"We rainbow you!!" Tata screamed.
Pucca, Garu, Ching, and Abyo were in the audience. They were wide-eyed at what they saw. Pucca could not believe her eyes. She could not believe that BT21 were real and seemed so sweet. Her eyes sparkled with happy tears.
"Uwuuuu" Pucca swooned.
"I know! They're so cute, adorable, and fluffy!" Ching cooed.
"Who cares? They're just regular animatronics trying to manipulate young girls' feelings!" Abyo smirked.
"Mhm." Garu nods in agreement.
"ABYO! HOW DARE YOU!! THEY'RE INNOCENT REAL-LIFE PLUSHIES!! Also, you should know that not every BT21MY are teenage girls." Ching erupted in anger.
"How do YOU know they are genuine? They are probably doing it for money, duh." Abyo bluffed.
Just when BT21 were coming down from the stage, a saesang walks up to them and grabbed them by their heads. That saesang was revealed to be Ring-Ring.
"YOU'RE MINE!" Ring-Ring screamed.
Before Ring-Ring could bother the BT21 members more, their security guards escorted her out of the concert.
"YOU WILL HEAR FROM MY LAWYER!!" Ring-Ring threatened them.
"Jeez, what's wrong with her? Does she not know what 'respect' is?" Ching snarked.
"Like I said it's because they are emotionally manipulating young people!" Abyo argued.
"Ok ok, jeez learn how take a joke damn..." Abyo whined.
After a while, the BT21 members head down to the Goh Rong restaurant in Sooga Village to enjoy jajangmyeon noodles. The jajangmyeon noodles are prepared by Pucca's uncles, Ho, Linguini, and Dumpling. The BT21 members have thoroughly enjoyed their meal through each slurp.
"Yum yum!" Chimmy licked the entire bowl.
"This reminds me of my family!" Tata solemnly remembered.
"Ah would you just look at them?? They're just so adorable eating the jajang noodles!" Ho teared up.
"They sure got an appetite! I don't blame them.. They work really hard for their concerts! Oh Pucca's hanging out with the BT21 guys!" Dumpling grinned at the sight of their table.
Pucca was playing with the BT21 members. Even though her heart will forever be with Garu, she is starting to fall in love with everyone of the members. She could not believe how soft and cuddly they are. She could not help but hang out with the members for a couple of hours.
"Puccaaaa!! Oh Pucca where are you?" Ching wondered.
"Oh there you are!"
Pucca's voice got higher and higher every time she was with the BT21 members.
"It seems like you are having fun with those BT21 guys! I don't blame you! They're pretty, amazing, genuine plushy people!" Ching beamed with happiness.
BT21 goes to their hotel in Sooga village where they are recuperating from a hectic tour schedule until something horrible happens to them...

BT21 x Pucca AU Where stories live. Discover now