I Want To Give Him A Chance

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Mandy breathes in and out whilst fidgeting with her fingers. She was standing in front of the portal, waiting for her best friend Moxy. She was rather nervous wondering if she could ask her friend her request. Mandy looks around her surroundings trying to focus on something else, something to calm her down. "Hi Mandy!" She turns her attention back to the portal to get a surprise hug from her small friend. She smiles and hugs her back. "Hey Moxy! How is your child?" The two stop hugging, Moxy looks up at her friend with a huge smile. "Oh just amazing! She is such a sweet girl, how about you?" She asks. The girls begin to walk away from the portal and down the colorful street. "Great! She's getting some glasses soon." Mandy tilts her glasses up. Moxy replies, "Hey you two will look like twins then." She jokes, for Mandy to return with a small giggle. "Anyway what is it you want to ask me?" Mandy bites her lip nervous, she hopes Moxy won't react negatively. She sighs for a long time, "Well I was wondering... i-if.... we could give Lou another chance!" Mandy says quickly. Moxy stares at her friend in shock. "Another chance but, Mandy he was awful to us-" "He may of been but... there's good in everyone and I'm sure there is in him. Can't we just at least try Moxy, he did give you guys a change to pass the Gauntlet so why not give him one?" Moxy glances down to think. Will he even try or stay being a jerk? Mandy clasps her hands together and stares at Moxy with puppy eyes. "Please Moxy~" Moxy stares at her and huffs. "Fine." Mandy jumps up and down happy that Moxy accepted her request. Mandy was excited to help Lou, hearing about how he couldn't leave to find himself a child to love. She felt sorry for the male doll. "But we need someone to watch over him, i-in case he may do something like breaking the portal again." Mandy nods in agreement as Moxy places her hand under her chin. She stops walking, Mandy soon does the same once she notices her friend had stopped in their tracks. Moxy snaps her fingers with a grin. "How about you watch over him~" She says to make Mandy blush a little. Mandy would be lying if she said she never was interested in Lou. From meeting him she find him attractive just like everyone else did, she still does now. "I-I'll be fine with that Moxy... I mean I don't think anyone else will." Mandy replied. "Oh yeah you're right." Moxy says dragging the word 'yeah'. "You wouldn't mind keeping him at your house for awhile, so I could tell everyone we're giving him a chance. Hopefully not many dolls will freak out." Moxy says with an odd expression. Mandy nods, "Alright then, thanks Moxy. I'll see you later!" She says waving as she runs to find Lou. Moxy waves back once Mandy leaves. Moxy sighs and rubs her arm, she hopes this is a good idea. After all what Lou has done will anyone actually forgive him... She'll just have to find out.

Lou was mopping up an isolated part of the institute, he was mopping up the dirty floor whilst the robotic dog was watching. Well I say watching, the dog is sleeping. Lou stares down at the ground as he moves the mop up and down. Lou felt nothing but regret and anger for letting in those ugly dolls... He wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. He sighs and leans onto the broom getting tired from all this cleaning, his eyelids begin to drop making his vision blurry. He shakes his head to try and stay awake, unfortunately he didn't get enough sleep last night. Lou stayed awake all night just thinking about his actions, tossing and turning his bed trying to focus on his sleep but failed. Thinking that he isn't perfect always pitying his self. Lou has always been changing his emotions, once second he's angry about all the dolls betraying him then pity's his self for how he acted to them. Especially to Ox. The two were like brothers when they first met, but Lou wished Ox didn't want to leave him. So he had no choice but to turn everyone against him by making him mess up. Lou then saved his best friend so he couldn't leave him. He picks up the mop to see that he left his bucket of soap far away, he groans and slowly walks to it. He doesn't the notice the slippery floor and he steps in it making him fall to the ground. Lou doesn't bother to get up... just stares down trying to keep in his tears, he didn't want to be here. He wanted to lay there and sink into the ground thinking there is no point of being here, he was nothing. He closes his eyes to stop his stupid crying he felt pathetic to cry over something so dumb. "You ok Lou?" He opens his eyes from hearing a soft and gentle voice say his name. He lifts up his head to see a hand outstretched for him, it was Mandy. Lou's eyes widen, she is helping him? But... why? He takes her hand and she pulls him up, smiling softly. Lou couldn't help but feel good that someone was genuinely smiling at him. He notices that they were still holding hands, immediately pulls his hand away whilst Mandy was blushing lightly. "W..What do you want?" Lou says in a stern voice. "Well I have some good news for you." He rolls his eyes and walks to the bucket, without falling this time. "Oh do you now, well what is it?" He asks turning his head to her. Some venom was in his voice. Mandy smiles and stretches out her arms, "Me and Moxy have decided to give you another chance! Isn't that amazing!" 

Lou freezes in shock and fully turns to the doll. "Really?.. You mean it?" She nods. Lou scoffs and glares at her. "Is this some kind of joke, you think I'll fall for it?" Mandy stares at him confused. "What? No it isn't Lou. I spoke with Moxy and she said we can." She takes his hand for him to pull away. "Don't. You. Dare. TOUCH ME YOU TRAITOR!!" Lou shouts in a bitter tone, he felt betrayed by the dolls. Now they would give him a chance, mainly Moxy and Mandy. He broke Mandy's glasses and Moxy's hope... why forgive him he thought. Even though he knows his actions were wrong he couldn't believe any of them stood up for him. After everything he has done for them, "JUST-" He stops to turn away from Mandy, so he wouldn't have to see the look of shock from Lou's sudden outburst. He sighs attempting to calm down, hoping he won't upset her again. Mandy was one of the dolls he did find let's say... promising. "-Just leave me be." He tries to walk away to only be stopped by two arms wrapping around his waist.     

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