[Chapter 10]

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THE TARGARYENS WERE KNOWN AS GREAT KINGS AND QUEENS. The one who first came to Westeros, Aegon I Targaryen was also known as the Conqueror, greatly admired by many throughout history. 

Maegon did not know how men and women looked at the Conqueror when Aegon himself walked by, but the way the former slaves of Meereen greeted Daenerys when she walked through the gates of the city that now belonged to her, Maegon saw gratitude and admiration, to mention a few.

Himself, Jorah and Barristan walked behind her as they walked through the streets and up some stairs to a platform that overlooked a large group of former Slave Masters, herded together like cattle by a squad of Unsullied soldiers. 

While many recoiled and silenced themselves when they noticed Maegon walk by, a few dared to whisper about him. One he remembered was a young boy that told his mother he wanted to be like Maegon, a fierce warrior that aids in the fight for justice. While Maegon appreciated the sentiment of the young boy, he thought back on many other things he had to do to claw his way to the top and earn his reputation in the first place, perhaps the child does not yet know all stories about him. 

But the cheers that rose for Daenerys was enough to soothe his mind and put a smile on his lips, following close behind to protect her if needed. 

They came to a halt at the edge of the platform where they were able look down on a group of former slave masters. A few of them had tried to fight back, but none of them could stand against an Unsullied soldier so now their tokars, once clean pieces of colorful silk, and faces were splattered with blood. 

But their whimpering and moaning were drowned out by the cries of 'Mhysa' from former slaves that held their ruined collars in hand high above their heads, cheering loudly for Daenerys.

"Remind me, ser Jorah," Daenerys said, "How many children did the 'Great Masters' nail to mileposts?"

"163 children, Khaleesi," Jorah reminded her, glancing at her warily of what her reaction to seeing the masters before her might be. 

"Yes, that was it." Daenerys mumbled before turning her head to look at Grey Worm who stood still behind the group of four. She gave him a simple nod. 

As the message passed on from Daenerys, Maegon smiled in glee. For once the slave masters will have a taste of what they put others through, what they have put thousands of men, women and children through. He would take no sorrow in nailing people like them to a milepost himself. 

As the masters were pushed together to stand in a straight line Barristan moved from standing beside Maegon.

"Your grace, may I have a word?" He asked her. 

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