[Chapter 6]

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Every night when he closes his eyes it is either the most terrible of dreams or he sees a green dragon before him. He can scarcely remember the last time his dreams were visited by something pleasant or familiar and not something that made him want to rip his own heart out in grief as soon as he woke in cold sweat.

This particular night was no different from the others and neither was Maegon's response to the whole ordeal. He took a large gulp of stinging red wine from a bottle left close to his cot of animal furs, all before standing up to his feet. Just before walking out of his tent Maegon wiped away a stray tear that had managed to slide down his left cheek and put on an all too familiar mask. He needs to show strenght, that he is a dragon, there is no room for weakness in any shape or form.

They were all on the road to the ancient city Meereen, having left Yunkai behind them little more than a week ago. He had not talked much with Daenerys, only when she gathered all her advisers to discuss their course of action when reaching the city did he have a chance to speak with her. Maegon had proved to be the best source of information at hand and she had thanked him for the information and council he gave about Meereen, even if the words came out of her mouth oddly forced.

For now the fearsome Dark Dragon of house Blackfyre sat on the ground, leaning against a tree on the outskirts of his army's camp. From where he sat he could look out over the Dragon Queen's army of Unsullied, all their tents and a larger one in the middle of them all. Where most likely Daenerys Targaryen was sleeping now. Along with her dragons.

Maegon let out a deep sigh as he thought of those creatures, namely the green one that seemed to be almost an exact copy, albeit smaller, of the dragon in his dreams he had been having since early childhood. He is certain his search for this dragon was over, yet does not understand why the dreams keep occuring. 

In the distance, through the silence of the dawn, Maegon heard a shriek. It reminded him of the sounds he heard from the Queen's dragons the very first day he met her and her children. Then he heard it once more, this time it was louder and seemingly closer to where he sat. Maegon turned his head and glimpsed the shadow of a small creature flying towards him over the rows of tents belonging to the Unsullied. And the closer it came the more clearer Maegon could see it was not simply a large and strange songbird, but one of Queen Daenerys' dragons, the green one. 

Still the size of a dog, the green dragon did not scare Maegon much when it landed a few feet away from him. It watched him closely as it crawled forth, inspecting him with piercing bronze eyes. When Maegon said nothing and did not move the dragon tilted its head to the side, purring as it sniffed at him, it's scaly snout almost touching Maegon's forehead.

At the same time Maegon let out the breath he was holding, the dragon did the same. Only that plummets of smoke left its mouth. The green dragon then to his surprise curled up close to his side, tucking his head underneath a green wing before relaxing slightly. Hesitantly Maegon hovered his right hand over the dragon's back as it rose and fell in tact with the dragon breathing. Maegon closed his eyes, took a deep breath and lowered his hand, placing it on the rough and scaly back of the green dragon. When it did not bite, hiss nor even snap at him did Maegon start to carefully stroke it, as one would pet a kitten. Only that he was instead petting a firebreathing dragon.

Time passed and neither man nor dragon moved from their respective spots. Dawn was fast approaching and eventually the sun peaked out over the horizon. Maegon almost swore when the sun's light hit him directly in his eyes, though he stopped himself in slight fear that he might antagonize the dragon beside him.

It had also woken as the sun rose, raising its head to watch it rise along with the Blackfyre man next to it. Maegon took a brief glance at the dragon before retracting his hand and made an attempt to stand. The dragon was quick to notice this as it in protest rose to stand on its hindlegs, spread its wings and shrieked at Maegon.

"Well I can't sit down all day can I?" Maegon said to the dragon.

The Dark Dragon crouched down, so the green dragon's head was at just the right level as his own. As he looked into those bronze eyes Maegon felt a connection, something warm within him that was growing stronger the longer he looked at the green dragon. He was more sure than ever that this was the dragon from his dream, the one he had dreamt of since he was a child.

"Rhaegal? Where are you my little Rhaegal?"

A soft voice was shouting and it caused the green dragon before him to crane its neck to look at the approaching person. Maegon straightened up to his full height once he saw Daenerys hurry past several tents with her handmaiden in tow once she saw the green dragon Rhaegal next to Maegon.

"What are you doing with him?" The Queen's voice was sharp and accusing as she glared at Maegon with a fire burning bright in her eyes.

Rhaegal was oblivious to the tense atmosphere between his mother and Maegon, shifting his gaze between the two, quite like a human child would.

"I have done nothing" Maegon defended, raising his hands in mock surrender, "I was simply enjoying some time by myself when your little dragon here came flying and refused to leave me alone".

Daenerys raised an eyebrow, surpprised by his words. She seemed unsure of his answer yet made no further inquiry, only told her handmaiden to return to their camp. The Dragon Queen was now left alone with Maegon and Rhaegal who seemed to enjoy the company of the last Blackfyre quite a lot.

"He seems to have approved of you" Daenerys nodded at Rhaegal whose head reached just past Maegon's waist if he stretched fully, begging for attention. Daenerys let out a small laugh, "Quite fast it seems".

Maegon tilted his head to the side as he watched Daenerys., a teasing smile grew as he noticed her laugh was not as real as he first thought. "You however does not share that sentiment with your dragon?".

The answer he recieved was a roll of her eyes, but it served Maegon well enough to understand she did not trust him completely yet.

The silence around them that fell was quick to annoy Maegon who tried his best to strike up a conversation, suddenly finding it hard to speak in the presence of Daenerys. "Rhaegal you named this one?" He asked as the dragon in question became increasingly frustrated that he was not getting the attention that he wanted from Maegon, butting his head against Maegon's right leg and squealed at him while flapping his wings.

"Yes I did" Daenerys answered, clasping her hands together and gave Maegon a polite smile, only that it was somewhat strained. "After my oldest brother Rhaegar. Had the rebellion not happened he would have been the King of Westeros after my father".

"A good choice for a name then" Maegon approved with a nod as he glanced down at the dragon by his feet. "A good and strong name for a dragon".

When Maegon looked at Daenerys again a small smile graced her lips.


A short chapter, but I wanted to update this story since a lot of you seem to enjoy it. Also as of posting this chapter I had just seen the last episode of season 8. Safe to say that you will probably see more Dany stories in the future, I am in denial of most of the events that took place during this last season. Daenerys deserved better.

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