[Chapter 8]

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MAEGON HAD FORGOTTEN HOW FAR THE ROAD TO MEEREEN WOULD BE. While he at first had worried how those under his command would fare, if they could keep merry faces while not riding into battle for a long time. To his great relief they had found something to occupy their minds while still keeping their skills with the blade fresh, gambling in the form of tournaments, betting money on who they thought would be the victorious warrior.

One night not too long ago Maegon had entered the ring with Blackfyre in hand, to the great delight of his men who screamed and stomped on the ground, being the sorce of such loud sounds it made the Dragon Queen venture over with her two guards to see what all the fuss was about.

Maegon had noticed her standing to the side, with her two older knights behind her. He laughed and winked at her before turning to face his opponent.

It was a man his own size, perhaps a little broader across the shoulders than Maegon himself. He recognized the man but could not remember the name that belonged to him. He must have joined the Dark Dragon's Army recently, perhaps a former Second Son.

He had a longsword in hand and a smaller dagger in the other, the blade about the lenght of his forearm.

Maegon collected himself by taking a deep breath, slightly crouched in place as the hoots and cheers around him rose to a new level, all while spinning Blackfyre in his hand, the dark blade shimmered in the sunlight.

The other man charges at him with a loud cry, seemingly putting most of his strength behind his first swing as he raised his sword over his head.

Maegon was almost disappointed in the man, how predictable his moves were as they fought one another.

While the man certainly had strength, he lacked in speed and agility. Twice he came close to hurting Maegon, only because he had been distracted by the Queen who was still there, surprisingly in a conversation with Aidan who sometimes gestured in Maegon's direction.

That loss of concentration for just a few seconds allowed the other man to come close enough and with a swift swipe with the smaller blade he managed to give Maegon a cut on his upper arm, close to his shoulder.

Maegon cursed himself in all the tongues he knew for letting himself be distracted and for fighting in barely any armor.

The other man did not see anything coming, only knowing that in one second was he standing on his feet full of confidence after managing to hurt the infamous Maegon Blackfyre, and in the next moment laying flat on his back with a sword of Valyrian Steel pointed at his throat, the tip of the sword close enough to just break his skin and draw blood.

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