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Night - Institute - Clary's bedroom

After the rite of passage for the fallen shadowhunters and Silent Brothers, Jace, Clary and Kasey returned to Clary's room, searching for the rune Clary had drawn to destroy that demon at Iris Rouse's basement.

Clary was sitting in her bed, drawing the rune she saw in her vision. 

Jace and Kasey were looking in books.

Kasey closed a book, massaging her temples "Well, officially, there's no sign of existence of that rune"

Jace sighed, shaking his head "Yeah, I'm not seeing it in the Gray Book"

"Well, isn't that thing supposed to have every single rune?" Clary asked.

"Some of them are removed" Kasey explained "They're reserved for the most elite members of the Clave"

"I'm not exactly elite, so why do I know it?" Clary asked.

Jace tilted his head, "Maybe you saw it somewhere and you don't remember"

Kasey pointed at her, "Maybe add that to the list of things you forgot when Magnus gave your memories to that demon" Jace looked at her, tilting his head. Kasey shrugged slightly, "What? I read the reports of everything that happened since Clary got here, remember?"

"Right" Jace told her.

Clary sighed, shaking her head "It appeared, like a vision. Not a memory. Like someone or something was trying to send me a message" She frowned, looking at Jace "Maybe it's from our mom"

"Clary, I know you miss her–" Jace began.

"How else do you explain it?" Clary asked.

Jace sighed, shaking his head "I don't know"

"You know, I'll just go ask Izzy and Alec" Clary told them, ripping the paper with the drawing  of the run from her sketch book "Maybe they'll know something"

Kasey took the paper from Clary "No.  Absolutely not. If you tell anyone else, they could be in danger, too"

Clary looked at her in confusion, looking at Jace.

Jace nodded in agreement "The Clave is quick to persecute anyone or anything they don't understand. Look at what they did to Kase in order for her to spill the whereabouts of the Cup. Threatened her, questioned her loyalty and arrested her"

Kasey nodded.

Clary sighed, nodding slightly.

There was a knock on the door

Kasey put the paper inside her jacket pocket.

"Come in" Clary called.

Isabelle walked in, seeing Jace and Kasey there "Just wanted to see how Clary was doing. But if I'm interrupting something–"

Clary, Jace and Kasey shook their heads, "No"

Clary, Kasey and Jace exchanged a confused but amused look, looking at Isabelle, who looked amused as well.

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