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Later that evening we held a dinner in celebration towards our new home with our intimate circle of family and friends, which included my parents, Danny's parents, his two friends, their wives and children, and my best friend Naomi. We had our chef prepare an amazing feast, because I still really didn't know how to cook. Well, I could do a little something but not enough for a whole group of people.

"I had to personally pass out invitations this time around because after that fiasco with Gary's job I wouldn't dare have some of those hooligans attending any party of ours," my mom went on explaining about another party my father and her were throwing. My father works for a big law firm in LA and lately he's been under heat for a client he chose to represent. Some of his colleagues weren't too happy with his decision and having been sending hateful letters, making foul remarks, and stuff like that. Usually, everyone from my dad's office is invited to their parties but as you can see my mother decided to change that.

"I don't blame you LeAnn," Della, Danny's mother, commented. "If I were you Gary I would have their asses handed to them and get them fired."

My dad chuckled wiping the corners of his mouth. "Those people don't bother me Della. People aren't going to always agree with what you do and that's fine they don't have to, but at the end of the day I'm going to always remain true to myself and do as I please."

"I heard that Mr. Lee," Tremaine, one of Danny's friends, applauded my father's comment before taking a sip out of his glass. Out of all his friends I liked Tremaine the most. He was very humbled and well mannered. He walked to his own beat and never allowed anyone to take him off of it. Danny's other friends were arrogant assholes who thought the world revolved around them. I honestly didn't know why Tremaine hung out with them, he was always so different.

"Well I just hope I get to be in attendance of one of your famous parties this time Mrs. Lee," Naomi, my best friend, addressed my mother with a sweet smile.

My mother has never been fond of Naomi simply because my mom felt like she just couldn't understand her. Naomi was nothing like my old friends. She was real, raw, and genuine. When Naomi and I first met three years ago it wasn't a good encounter. I was out with my former friends in the club, upset because we couldn't get in VIP. I was babbling on and on about who I was and who my husband was, sending threats to the bouncer when Naomi appeared from the side of me going off about how she's tired of hearing me talk. She talked about how women like me disgust her and I needed to get a grip on reality. I'm not going to lie I was furious and embarrassed that some stranger read me like that in the club, but I had to realize everything she said was true. Later that night, she offered me a drink as peace offering because she felt bad about how she went about delivering her message, but not for what she said and I honestly couldn't do anything but respect that because no one had ever spoke to me like that before. I realized I needed someone like her around more often so we exchanged numbers before I left. After that, the rest was history. She's been more loyal and true to me than any of my friends I've had since childhood ever was. Of course they didn't like her because she was bold and never bit her tongue so most of my "friendships" died out over time. But I rather have one genuine friend than a million fake ones.

My mother put on a her famous fake smile before she spoke again. "Of course you can Nami. I can't believe you haven't been to one yet," she said. My mom could be so petty at times and I hated it. She knew Naomi's name perfectly well since she's always discussing her to me behind Naomi's back.

"Mom," I warned with attitude. "You know Naomi's name. Please don't be immature."

"It's all good boo. I've been called worse, but I'll be there Mrs. Lee," she smiled sweetly again just because she knew she would get under my mom's skin. See, why I love this girl.

After dinner our parents left and our friends decided to hang around the house for a little bit. Danny and his friends were in his mancave, all the children were in the media room watching a movie, Danny's friends wives Tamar and Leslie were hanging out in the living room, while Naomi and I were in my room.

"You know something," Naomi asked stretching out on my couch I have in the sitting area of our master bedroom.

"No what," I asked scrolling through my Instagram page.

"After 4 long years of being single I think I'm feeling lonely," she said raising up to look at me.

"Oh really," I asked intrigued.

I never knew her boyfriend at the time, but she definitely told me the stories of him. She was dating a doctor, who was wealthy and attractive, but just like my husband he had an issue with being faithful. Once she found out about him cheating, she dropped his ass like a bad habit and never looked back. Another reason why I admired her, is because she did things I felt like I wasn't capable of doing. Danny's infidelity wasn't something new to me, but for whatever reason I never could find the courage to just leave him. He has been all I knew since I was 17 and I've grown so comfortable with the lifestyle I have as pathetic as it sounds. I don't know what I would do if my life was to ever change to something different. I use to be madly in love with my husband, but that love has drastically died over time. I put up with him and I suppose I'll always have love for him because he's the father of my children. Naomi has always encouraged me to leave his trifling ass, but she never pushes it because she knows at the end of the day that's something I'll have to do on my own.

"I think I'm ready to start dating again," she admitted.

"Oh yes, I'm so here for this. We can take you to the club or a bar or something so you can mingle," I started off excitedly before she cut me off.

"Raya, I'm not about to go out here looking thirsty and desperate. I'm going to pray for my husband to come and find me. I want this man to be my last one so if that means I have to wait another few years for him to get here I will because I know it'll be worth the wait."

"Well damn way to kill my fun" I frowned jokingly. "Can we at least still go to the club or the bar or something?"

"Yes hoe damn," she laughed. I jumped on my bed happily just glad to be getting out the house and enjoying a night out with my best friend.

** This is my first time publishing a story in a long time soo I would love to hear feedback! Make sure to vote if you're enjoying this story :)

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