Prom Day!

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Nyla P.O.V.

When I woke up Zonnique was sleep on my legs.

me:What the hell?

I kicked her and she got up.


me:where did you come from?

Zonnique:That's not important. LET'S WAKE UP THE OTHERS!

I looked over to see then giving Zonnique a maliced look.

me:Um.... Look over.

she looked over and Amir'A threw a heel at her head.

Amir'A P.O.V.

Where the fuck did she come from?I groaned then slid out of the bed.I went in the bathroom and showered then brushed my teeth. I put on my white croptop that says Bruh in black, black skinny jeans, and white sandals.I flat ironed my hair and made it wavy then I realized my hair got longer. I grabbed my bookbag then walked downstairs where I saw my mama and uncle Wayne were making out. I walked past them and ate some fruit salad then walked out the door.I got in my Purple mustang then sped off to school. When I pulled up Prodigy opened my door.

me:When did you get back?

Me and Roc broke up then Prod and I started dating but he left and I really don't do long distance so we broke up.

Prod: I'm back to take you to prom.

Me:that's sweet but I already told Roc yes.

Prod: I already talked to him and he said I could take you.

I grabbed my bookbag then locked my car.He grabbed my hand and we walked into the school laughing when bre ran up to me.We hugged eachother then giggled.

me:um, Prod. can I go with bre....I'll find you later.

Prod:Yeah,  you can go.

Me and bre ran off gossiping then stopped When this super fine caramel boy came up to us and kissed me on my hand.

me:And who might you be?

???:I'm Javin.


javin:Do you have a name?



me:I'm Amir'A.

javin:unique name.

me:It's Arabic.



javin:should've known.

bre:Hi, I'm her bestfriend breuanna but you can call me bre.


bre:I'll meet you outside.


she walked off and I turned back to javin.

javin:What's outside?

me:cars,bikes,trees,bushes,people G.C.O.

Javin:No, for you?

me:Oh, my car.We're skipping today since it's prom.

javin:You don't have a date do you?

me:Actually I do.How about yourself?

javin:I don't have a date unless you want to go with me?

me:I already told you. I have a date.

javin:Fine, can I skip with you?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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