Chapter 12

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i'm raging. i angrily walk over to her so we're face to face. she even looks a bit intimidated which takes me by surprise. 
melissa: "say that to my face, i dare you"
i say while the anger was boiling inside of me.
she stepped even closer to me, we were so close it was weird but i was too pissed off to care.
stella: "slo-ppy sec-onds"
she says in an evil way with a grin that sent me off the edge. i couldn't control what i was about to do. i was fuming.

i lifted my arms up and pushed her as hard as i could, causing her to fly backwards onto the ground. she was taken by surprise as she didn't expect me to actually touch her. it wasn't enough to satisfy me though. i rushed over to her laying on the floor, sitting on her so she couldn't move and threw a punch at her face.
she began to say "what the f-"
but she couldn't finish before i'd punched her round the face again.
i lifted my arm to punch her again but someone grabbed a hold of me and dragged me off of her.

a couple of people rushed over to her helping her up and i just sat there and processed what i had just done. Half of my tear must of watched that. blood was dripping down her face. i didn't even know i was that strong... what have i just done.

i manage to pick myself up and start backing away because i'm unsure of what else to do until the principal yells "MS MARSHALL. MY OFFICE...NOW!"
I jump at his loud tone and almost everyone's head turns to me.

This is my dream school, I've been here a month or so and I've already cycled up so much I could be kicked out. Why am I letting one girl get to me that much. And over a boy.
He's not just any boy though...


I drag myself to the principals office, keeping my head down the whole way there, ashamed.
He stood in the doorway of his office, holding the door open for me. I walked in and sat down in the seat opposite his desk.

Before he can even get a word in, i start blabbing on about everything and anything and couldn't stop myself.
Melissa: "Sir, please let me explain. I'm in a really bad frame of mind right now. And Stella was purposely getting on my nerves. And I never knew I could do something like that till now. I'm so so so sorry. I will do anything but please don't kick me out I-"
Principal: "Melissa, calm down."

I stop talking and do as he says taking a deep breath in.

"Look, there's no excuse for what you have just done. Her face is smashed up."

I look down in disappointment. I hate myself. Tears start to well up in my eyes but I've never been one to show my emotions unless something REALLY bad has happened so this proves how upset I am.

"But, were not going to kick you out. You are a great student with great potential and have shown nothing but dedication to your education here before todays incident. So there will be no extreme measures, but we have no choice but to suspend you for 3 days."

I feel instantly sick.
Although I'm not being expelled. I'm being suspended. And that will be in my record forever.

Melissa: "okay, I understand. I'm sorry I let you down today sir."

I sigh deeply.

Principal: "Now, we have on your files, that your living alone. So we have no one to call to collect you, but you must be collected to ensure you get home safely as you are under 18. Do you have anyone you can call to come pick you up?"

The only person that crosses my mind is ruel. If he comes he will find out why I'm being suspended and hate me. I really have zero friends huh.

I ring his phone and it takes him about 30 seconds, but he does eventually pick up.
Ruel: "hi..?"
He has a croaky morning voice, it reminds me of Saturday which makes me smile.
Melissa: "heyyyy" I say lovingly.
Ruel: "what do you want this early."
Melissa: "oh yeah um. Funny story actually. The-uh- thing is...The school have suspended me so uh, any chance you can pick me up?"
Ruel: "whAT?! Am I still dreaming or did I hear correctly that Melissa Marshall has been suspended?"
Melissa: "unfortunately you heart correctly."
Ruel: "what the fuck did you do?"
Melissa: "um.uh-it's-a- a um long story. Can you come get me or not?"
I stutter so hard cause I got really nervous.
Ruel: "yeah, yeah. I'll be there in 10."
Melissa: "thank you so much, I owe you!"
Ruel: "yeah you do" he says in a cheeky voice and ends the call. I smile but that smile soon fades as I sit there, drowned in all my worries of what will go down when I have to tell ruel.

- 10 ish mins later -

I'm bored of waiting for ruel now so I get out of my seat and walk off to find the toilets. As I stroll the corridors I walk past the medical room, i wondered if Stella was in there so I walked closer only to see Stella sitting in the bed looking really sorry for herself alongside ruel in the room too.

I'm unsure if I should go over there or not but it's not like I could make the situation any worse.

I slowly walk in.
Melissa: "um ruel.. you're here?"

He turns and looks at me. There's a look of almost disbelief plastered all over his face.

Stella puts on some act, as if she's terrified of me.
Ruel: "why would you do that Melissa..."
He says in the softest most hurt sounding voice ever.
Melissa: "ruel. I don't know what came over me. Please just can we talk this ou-"
Ruel: "I knew something about you had changed, and that didn't really bother me. But now this?!"
He pauses and my stomach drops to the ground.
"I don't even know you anymore"

(Sorry for typos and sorry for being late in uploading, like I said before, when you vote it really motivates me :))

Strangers part 2 - ruel van dijkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora