♥♥♥ Without supervision ♥♥♥

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As Diana walked into the lab the first morning after her father and Tasha left on a vacation but the last thing she expected was to find it a complete mess with Chase looking as if he was blind, Adam talking backwards, Bree no where to be found and Leo searching for the android Ian who no one but him knew existed till that day

Leo: where is he? *mutter to himself as he keeps searching*

Chase: he? Who's he? Are you talking about Adam or me? *says even thou he couldn't see so well he heard Leo just fine*

Diana: Don't tell me... Leo turned on the lemp again didn't he? *says as she walks in the room and walks over to guide Chase towards the desk without falling over*

Chase: yeah, he did. *says as he lets her guide him, trusting her to do that*

Diana: And what was this shit about an android my dad created without telling us? *asks as she helps him sit down before pulling Adam off the floor by his hand*

Chase sits down while Adam gets up with Diana's help
Leo: i lost him...i'm searching for him but i can't find him. *frowns facing and walking over to Diana, Chase and Adam*

Diana: Does he have a tracker in his systems?

Leo: i don't know...i think so.

Diana: One moment please. EDDY!

Eddy: Yes Miss Davenport, how can i be of serves?

Diana: Track the new android my dad created. He seems to be lost in the house somewhere

Eddy: On it. *gets to and it doesn't take him long* Found him.

Diana: In which room?

Eddy: yours actually.
Leo: wait what?
Chase: what is an android that we even didn't know about doing in Diana's room? *asks eyes wide*

Adam: you wouldn't be asking if any of us knew. *says this backwards*

Diana: I'll ask after I go to get him even tho I hate androids. They creep me out. In the meantime tho, Leo call Bree and help her get back safe and sound *says as she walks towards the elevator*

Leo: I'm on it. *says as he does as told*

A while later Diana opens her door to find the android standing in the middle of the room just about to walk towards the door as well

A while later Diana opens her door to find the android standing in the middle of the room just about to walk towards the door as well

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Ian: *blinks a few times before doing a step back so Diana can enter* hello, i'm Ian and you must be Diana? *asks looking at her*

Diana: Seems so, however, that still doesn't explain what you're doing in my room this earlly in the morning *says as she walks towards him*

Ian: i don't really know myself, i was pulled here for some reason. Does that make sens? *asks standing still and waiting patiently for her to reach him*

Lab Rats Imagines & One-shots BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now