--thank you--

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Hey people. Thank you so much for reading this book. I appreciate the reads and votes, especially since I've been present in some list of rankings that I didn't even know I would be in. (hell I'm on rank two in Baldi's basics but that'll change soon after, but still, I'm a bit proud.)

Just want to say, for readers out there, I would gladly cooperate with you in making a book of your own, I'm planning one myself, when I'm done I'll be publishing it.

I could also give you some opinions or thoughts, inspirations, subjects etc. If you want. Just follow me and let's PM each other.

Hope the chapters in the book gave you any entertainment at all, if you want I could rewrite the book, just say your opinion in the comment section and let's see if you want the better version or something.

Well, that's it. Wish you all luck in life. Bye.👊👋❤❤

--Invisible Chains-- (Yandere version) Baldi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now