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Today is a lucky day. The girls are having a good day with their PTSD and let me go on patrol for about two hours. The best part of going on patrol today, we're going on COPS today. I had a camera person in my truck, and I'm prepared to do some dumb shit to end up on T.V. 

It's time to give my little speech about myself that the officers always do.

Me: I grew up here in Vale, while most kids wanted to be a Huntsman or Huntress, I always wanted to be a police officer. Ended up getting into the Police Academy at sixteen, I did so well at the job that I was promoted to SWAT when I turned seventeen.

Good enough, time to explain the call we're currently speeding over to.

Me: I got a call for an armed robbery, the suspect has a Glock 17 and held up a dust store before fleeing on foot.

We got to the scene, and I drew my service pistol the second I saw the guy in question. I aimed my weapon at him and screamed at him.

Me: Police Department, get on the fucking ground!

The dumbass pulled up his gun and aimed it at me, and I popped three rounds off in him.

Me: Shots fired, shots fired! Need an ambulance on the scene!

Dispatch: 10-4. It's on the way.

I ran over to the guy and restrained him. I put my gloves on at picked up his gun, and it turns out, it was a water gun... This dude just got himself shot because he pointed a water gun at me. The ambulance showed up on the scene and loaded him up into the truck, he was still conscious, so I was questioning him.

Me: Man, what the hell were you doing?

Guy: I don't know, I was bored, so I decided to rob the store.

Me: You realize that you could have avoided being shot if you just followed my command and got on the ground when I told you to?

Guy: Yeah, I get that now.

Me: Hindsights a bitch, huh?

Guy: Sure is.

Me: Alright, you're goin' to the hospital, and as soon as you heal, you are going to be booked into jail with an Armed Robbery charge and attempted murder of a police officer.

I shut the door and turned to the camera.

Me: Well, that was an unexpected turn of events. Even if his gun wasn't a real weapon, you can't ever be too careful. Another armed robber stopped is another possible dangerous person off the streets.

A/n: Sorry this is a short chapter yall. Couldn't think of an idea, but still wanted to get a chapter out. 

I Promise (Male SWAT Team Reader x Abused Yang, Ruby, and Summer)Where stories live. Discover now