Chapter 13: The doctor visit and new scripts

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"It appears that you have gotten shorter by about three inches in the past month," the doctor informed me.

"What else is new?" I muttered.

I was not happy with the results, but I was used to them. Unfortunately, it also annoyed me, which just added to my unhappiness.

"Your heart has also taken some damage," the doctor continued. "It would seem that you had a heart attack in the past day or so. The fact that you are still alive is miraculous! You must have gone through some serious stress."

Heart attack? In the past day or so? How did I not notice?

"Tell you what," the doctor started as she got on her computer. "Your psychiatrist just sent another request to get you on a couple of certain medications. Usually, I would say 'no', but seeing as how you got a heart attack at about yesterday, I think I'll just get you approved for them. You're not pregnant or planning, are you?"

"No," I answered, feeling happiness enter my toes and make its way up.

"And you don't have any immune deficiencies or organ failures...well, besides the heart attack, but your heart must have been really strong. That much I do know..."

Is this really happening? Am I really getting approved for this?

"There you go! You're all set," the doctor announced. "Just go by your usual pharmacy and pick them up. You're now free to go."

"Thanks, doc," I said with joy as I left the building and skipped to my car.

This is actually happening! Now I can sleep better at night!!!


After I got the drugs from the pharmacy, I went home and read the bottles. They both said to take them with food or milk before bed.

I made myself some dinner, and after I got done I looked out all my windows for that crazy lady. I didn't see her, but I still locked my doors and blocked my windows.

I looked at the clock, and it read 6:35. I wasn't supposed to go to bed until about 7:30, but I really wanted to try the drugs out as soon as possible.

I took the pill with warm milk and went to bed, and sleep came easy since I had a long day.

What? It's a little longer...

A week in Granny's houseWhere stories live. Discover now