Chapter 5: A house reunion and new sights

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The walls and floor were coated with blood, and every step I took made a sickening squish, making me always look for Grandmother. I made my way outside and into a chest that happened to be outside.

"I see you," Grandmother's voice rang out. I heard a creak, then I heard the door open. Grandmother came outside, and because the chest wouldn't shut all the way, I saw her. Her gown and arms were spattered with blood, and her face was noticeably darker; she looked so menacing.

"I see you," she repeated as she looked around before approaching the chest I was in. I lowered myself so I wouldn't be as visible and hoped that she would leave.

I heard nothing, so I snuck a peak. I didn't see her anywhere, but I still assumed that she was behind the chest. I looked at the playhouse, and it looked like a good place to go as it was too small for Grandmother to fit. Without thinking, I dashed out of the chest and towards the playhouse. I grabbed the door and pulled, but it didn't hardly budge. I tried again, but with all my strength, but it still didn't open; it just made a noise. I ran for the chest again and got in, but just as I did, I was pulled out.

Everything went black for a moment, then I saw myself looking at dirt. I couldn't move my body, but I could move my head, and I looked up and saw a sharp blade looking down at me. I also saw Grandmother next to the lever, smiling menacingly. She pulled the lever, and the blade came down.

I woke up, but my surroundings were not familiar. I gave my eyes a minute to come back into focus so I could see where I was at.

"Oh no," I muttered when I figured out where I was. I was back in Grandmother's house, in the bed where she put me the first time she kidnapped me.

I got off of the soaked wooden bed and took in the surroundings. The dresser, table, and the smaller table with the vase were still there. I also noticed a locker in my room.

Just like in my dreams...

I opened it just in case I needed to hide in it and grabbed the vase so I had something to make noise with. I opened the door and got ready to throw the vase when I noticed a small paper attached to the heavily locked door. I crept downstairs and read the sign, which said, "I'll be back soon."

Hopefully not too soon, I thought.

I saw the tripwire-bell trap and activated it. I looked around and saw another locker before entering it.

Another locker, just like in my dreams...

I didn't see Grandmother come, so I left the locker slowly and looked around cautiously. I rang the trap again, but she still didn't come. When I came to the conclusion that the sign was telling the truth, I walked into the doorway that led to the kitchen.

The kitchen hadn't changed since last time I saw it. I opened the pantry and found a piece of meat, a box of birdseed, and a watermelon. The sight of the birdseed made me sick to my stomach, as it reminded me of the mutilated vulture. I shook off this feeling and grabbed the melon. Remembering my first encounter with this house, I shook the melon and heard rattling inside. I kept the melon with me and opened the microwave, curious about whether there was any food inside. There wasn't, but there was a wrench inside. I grabbed it as well and went into the next doorway.

The room I entered looked to be a dining room, as there was a table with chairs. There was also a wardrobe closet, a door, and another room attached. I tried the door, but it wouldn't open. I decided to explore the room attached to the dining room.

This room had a few small sofas, a table with a TV on it, and a lamp. I could vaguely remember this room, but I didn't care to try to remember much more than that.

"She's not home," I told myself as I walked through this room and into the doorway connected to it. "Calm down."

The room I had just entered had a sofa or two, a chair, a lamp, and a small dresser with two drawers. I ran to the dresser and opened both the drawers. In one of them was a couple of cogwheels. I decided to leave them alone until I found out what they were for. I then entered the next doorway, which took me back into the room with the locked door.

"Wow," I said to myself. "Her place is big for a log cabin."

I noticed a door, and I decided to see if it would open. It did, and it led to the basement.

I was met with the smell of aged blood, and I walked downstairs to see the familiar bloodstain on the cold ground. There was some barrels and a few boxes scattered in various areas, and there was the familiar vent that led upstairs to where Grandmother's crossbow was. I went into the vent and when I came out the other end, I ran upstairs and to the room where the crossbow was surely at. As I entered the room, I noticed a couple of boxes blocking a small doorway. I pushed them out of the way and crouched down so I could fit into the doorway.

The room was a closet, much to my disappointment. As I was about to leave, I noticed a small, wooden button. I pushed it, and the wall opened a bit. I opened it all the way and saw the old familiar teddy bear. Next to it was a small wooden square with a metal loop on one side and four metal legs on the other. I left it there and left the closet before walking up a small flight of stairs and finding myself in a small room with a small table.

"Wow," I said to Grandmother, even though she was absent. "You must've had a tough life to live in such a big house away from everybody."

As I said this, I noticed a doorway obscured by boxes. I pushed them down and entered the doorway. I found myself surprised to find myself in the lil closet that connected the two bedrooms. I entered the bedroom with the blood painting and opened the door. I then opened the attic door and went up to the familiar room that was the attic.

It was almost exactly as I remembered it: the lil vent, the boarded up room (that was re-boarded up), and the room that was a prison (which had a wheelchair in the lil cell). The only thing I noticed that seemed new was the metal door and a chest.


As I looked about, I noticed something moving in the darkest corner of the prison cell. I recognized it as a person, but I didn't know who they were. I walked towards the doorway. Just before I entered, the floor below me broke, and I screamed as I fell through it. My screaming was abruptly cut short as I hit the ground.

A week in Granny's houseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora