Chapter 8: Pepper spray and a sauna

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I woke up back in bed. I didn't have any nightmares, but I was hungry. I could tell it was another night because the moon was starting to rise.

I tried the door, only to find it locked again. I hid in the locker and watched as Grandmother entered.

As soon as she left, I left the locker and entered the other bedroom. I entered the secret room and walked downstairs until I found the crossbow and tranq. I grabbed them and crawled through the small vent thingy that led to the basement. I then tapped the ground and waited for Grandmother to come down the stairs. When she did, I shot her and grabbed the tranq before rushing to the kitchen to grab the meat out of the pantry.

"Ugh," I mumbled as I ran up the stairs with the stinky meat.

When I made it to the attic and across the board, I slipped the meat between the bars and watched Garter eat it without hesitation.

"So," I started. "Will you help me?"

"Depends," he said as he took a big bite from the meat. "Is this human meat?"

"I don't know," I answered. "Besides, it was either this or birdseed. Or melon halves, which I kinda lost."

"At this point, I'm just glad to have eaten something," he said as he finished off the meat. "Now, how do I get out?"

I looked at the door and noticed that there were some loose and rusted bolts holding the door to the bars. I walked to them and got them out, and the door opened and fell. I had to catch it to keep from making noise while Garter got out of the cell. He then crawled across the board and as soon as he got to the other side, he fell asleep.

"No, you can't sleep," I whispered as I put the door down as quietly as I could and walked across the board. "She might come up here."

I dragged him into the vent thingy so Grandmother wouldn't be able to get to him and then I walked up the room where the spider was at. I looked around and noticed a red button, which I assumed was the button that would lock the thing in its crate. I knew I wouldn't be able to walk over and push it, and I only had one shot with the crossbow. I decided to risk it.

"Breathe," I told myself as I aimed for the button. I aimed slightly high, as I knew that a crossbow was different from a gun. I shot.

"Yes," I muttered. The tranq hit the button, and the little door came down, trapping the oversized arachnid inside. I rushed and picked up the tranq before opening the locker to see if anything was inside. I found a remote, but I wasn't sure what if could've possibly gone to. My first thought was the TV downstairs, so I carefully made my way out of the attic and down the stairs to where the TV was at. I used the remote, and nothing happened.

Maybe it's for one of the locks...

I hurried to the locked door and hit the remote. Something happened, but it wasn't for something on the door; it came from behind me.

I breathed in, then I turned around and noticed that a door that was attached to the stairs had opened. I heard Grandmother walking, so I rushed into the room in the stairs and shut the door. As I heard her walk around, I noticed a small can on a shelf. I grabbed it, but I couldn't tell what it was because it was too dark. I waited until I couldn't hear her footsteps, then I opened the door and checked out the can.

It was a pepper spray can, and it was full. I wasn't too sure if it would work on Grandmother, as I was wondering whether she was paranormal or not. It also occurred to me that tranqs worked on her, albeit for a short period of time. But still, I wondered what she was. Was she a ghost? But if that was the case, how were things able to touch her? Maybe she was possessed, but by what? And why would a demon or ghost or something possess an old lady?

"I see you," Grandmother's voice rang out. She walked out of the basement and was heading my way. Without giving it a second thought, I sprayed her with the pepper spray, and she rubbed her face. I took this opportunity to run back down to the basement and down to the garage. I hopped in the car and hunkered down as I watched Grandmother enter.

She looked around, chuckled, then left. As she did, I remembered that there was a drop bar for the door of the sauna. I got a crazy idea.

I exited the car and opened the door to the sauna. I then entered the sauna and kicked a wall before running out and crouching in front of the car (may not sound smart, but that didn't matter).

Grandmother entered the sauna, and I rushed over and shut the door and slammed the wooden board down. When I did, I saw that small switch. Curious as to what it did, I flipped it. It turned out to be the thing that made the inside of the sauna steam up. I watched as Grandmother took a seat and enjoyed the experience. I stifled a laugh as I ran to the car and opened the hood. A lot of the engine was missing, but luckily I knew where the spark plug was at.

I dashed out of the basement and to the right, where the birdseed was at. I opened the pantry and grabbed the birdseed before rushing to the open window and jumping out it like it was a hurdle. I then wasted no time jumping in the trapdoor and crawling through the small hallway that led to the other side.

No sign of Grandmother, I thought to myself as I walked up the steps and to the birdcage, where the crow was sitting. I shook the birdseed box, and it looked at it with interest. I walked to the bowl and filled it up. As soon as the bird started eating, I rushed to the cage and snagged the spark plug out. I then ran out the door that was connected to the meat room and left that room.

Nope, no sign of her, I thought to myself, trying to keep myself calm. I walked downstairs and through the vent thingy that led to the basement. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Grandmother leave the basement.

How in the world did she get out? I thought frantically. I rushed out and into the garage.

The door and board lock were both unscathed and the steam still running, but Grandmother was not inside. I breathed and put the spark plug where it was supposed to go.

I looked at the door again, wondering if I could trap Grandmother in again.

Well, maybe it'll work a second time, I answered myself as I turned off the steam, lifted the board, opened the door, kicked a wall, and crouched in front of the car.

When Grandmother came and entered the sauna, I leaped up and shut the door. But, as I went to lower the board, the door opened, and Grandmother hit me upside the head.

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